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Daqmx base on netbook with Linux

Hello, everybody.


I was trying for the last monts to combine NI Daqmx base 3.2/VISA 4.5  + EEE PC + OpenSuse Linux.

NI Daqmx base works fine with OpenSuse up to version 11.0.

Unfortunately full support for the netbooks (including working wifi and ethernet drivers) only available at OpenSuse 11.1.

Similar situation is with Mandriva. 


The obvious question - when (and if) can we expect NI Daqmx base release compatible with the latest Linux distributions (OpenSuse 11.1, Mandriva 2009 spring)?



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Message 1 of 4

Have you tried running the DAQmx Base 3.2 and VISA 4.5 configuration on you Open SUSE 11.1 or Mandriva 2009?  With the linux distributions it is often that the case that although they are not "supported" under the readme those drivers still may work. 


Unfortunately at the present time there is no public roadmap available that indicates which linux distributions will be supported in the future. 


Thank you 


Charley Dahan

Global Account Manager
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Message 2 of 4

Thanks for the reply.

"running the DAQmx Base 3.2 and VISA 4.5 configuration" - is not very clear to me. How can I configure VISA and NI-KAL?


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Message 3 of 4

The most difficult part about installing NI drivers on Linux is installing NI-KAL. Provided you can install NI-KAL, VISA and DAQmx Base will install with relatively little effort. So, installing NI-KAL on OpenSUSE 11.1 is a little tricky, but there is a chance it will work [1].


[1] NI LUG - Re: NI-KAL Beta 1.10 - Question

Joe Friedchicken
NI Configuration Based Software
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