12-03-2024 08:20 AM - edited 01-08-2025 11:47 AM
Please register here, we need a head count for ordering food:
You may have to white-list this link in your ad-blocker. The registration link references Chicago, we ARE NOT meeting in Chicago. We're meeting in Boulder.
Elijah Kerry from NI will be talking about his role as a user group organizer.
Tom Ferraro will be talking briefly about his new role.
I'm not sure if somebody from Test Force will want to speak, they're providing the food.
Peter Davis will be talking about his experiences with Timed Loops.
There will be time for free-form discussion/networking.
Thanks and see you all soon,
12-03-2024 11:04 AM
Registered for the event. The confirmation email Subject is showing I registered for the Chicago meeting.
The listed time shows Central time instead of Mountain.
But ignoring those bits everything seems correct.
12-03-2024 12:09 PM
That's weird, I'll try get it fixed.
12-19-2024 02:45 PM
I've been thinking about giving a presentation on lessons learned with timed loops. If you still need another one I could work on that.
12-20-2024 02:15 PM
I haven't got much response to my call for presentations so it would be great if you had something.
01-08-2025 11:54 AM
Please see the attached map and building layout.
You'll have to sign in at 7070 Winchester Circle and then walk across the street to building where the meeting is. We'll be in Room C12 on the building layout.