05-20-2017 05:13 PM
At our last ALARM meeting, the discussion touched on using Inno Setup instead of the Installation Building built into LabVIEW. It would be great (in my opinion) to have a presentation on that. In any case, I'm wondering if there is a local ALARM resource who has done this whose brain I could pick. Maybe just 10 minutes as a professional courtesy. Maybe paid for a couple of hours to get our installer project off the ground.
05-22-2017 10:25 AM
I use Inno Setup but I don't do anything clever with it and I don't use any of it's fancy scripting capabilities. I also don't use any of it's fancy GUI's, I just use its text editor to build it's scripts. We could meet to talk about it if you want, but I'm no real expert in it.
I could do a ALARM presentation on it, but I probably won't make it to the July meeting due to vacation travel so it would have to be the September meeting.