11-02-2024 03:11 PM
Under the LV tools menu, we access most of the DQMH automation tools: great stuff! Why the extra menu item, and is "consortium" a useful term to use in the menus? Why not just start with "DQMH"?
11-02-2024 03:14 PM
The DQMH Consortium offers other products besides DQMH, some of which include Tools menu items.
11-02-2024 10:08 PM
I agree that the menus are a bit clunky. Have you tried the quickdrop shortcuts as an alternative:
Taken from What's new in DQMH 6.1
11-03-2024 01:38 PM
Yet another solution is to use Panther Dashboard for DQMH:
11-05-2024 01:17 PM
Thanks everyone. Glad to know of various other options, and look forward to this being improved on future releases as well!