DQMH Consortium Toolkits Discussions

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Migrate from QMH to DQMH

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If I may briefly write something about motivation:
We developed a lot of applications with QMH a few years ago. At some point we reached our limits with it. We needed a framework that allows us to develop together in a team on an application, that makes our development work easier and where the code is maintainable and scalable. At that time we didn't know DQMH in detail, but we made the decision for it. We have never regretted it, it has given a boost to our work. We haven't rewritten the old applications - they still run that way, but all new developments are based on DQMH and we already have many reusable modules in use.

Message 11 of 12

I too am trying to migrate away from writing new QMH-style projects to DQMH. I've spent dozens of hours trying to wrap my head around the framework and I am slowly turning the corner, I think. I'm gradually building up modules for a large data-logging and process control project. I'm doing my best to write the modules in such a way that they can be easily reused in future applications that I may have. So I'm really playing the long game by investing in module development for future payoff. 

Message 12 of 12