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Link issues

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It has been several times that I take an existing DQMH project as a base to another new project. Therefore, I do some modifications and also deletion of existing processes not useful in my new project.

And it has been several times that I encounter some link issues in that process.

I have some VI created by DQMH that are broken.

I just delete on element of that VI and then make ctrl-Z to get my VI back. And after this action, my VI, wich are exaclty the same, is not broken anymore. (see pictures attached)

It is very annoying to do this action when I have a lot of broken VI !


Do you know why I have this issue?

Do you have a workaround to get my VI not broken quickly without open all broken VI to correct the issue (I have tried mass compile but it doesnt work)








Thank you for your help. 


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Message 1 of 4



I'm sorry to hear that DQMH gives you grief. Maybe a mass compile could help. Or forcing a recompile of the call chain


Can you share more details about what exactly is broken? What does the error dialogue say when you click the broken run arrow?


And can you maybe share a project that allows us to recreate the problem on our end and continue the investigation?




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Message 2 of 4

Clear Cache is also something to try…

Olivier Jourdan

Wovalab founder | DQMH Consortium board member | LinkedIn |

Stop writing your LabVIEW code documentation, use Antidoc!
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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author LoisLbsUromems

I resolved my project errors and do what I Idescribed when necessary and finaly managed to get my project OK.


Indeed, I did not try to clear cache.


I will add try your advices if i have this problem again.

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Message 4 of 4