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Error 7 while calling dymamic vi in HSE template application


I am trying using joerg's HSE template to bulid a executable files these days.



After I built the exe file, then run it , it occurs the error 7 can't open vi reference, I already included all dynamically loaded VIs : default broadcast events.vi in shared library section, but still not okay, l checked the dynamically loaded VIs path is correct in both run-time or develop environment but those vis can not be called when running in exe. Before I upgrade DQMH 5.0, it's running fine. Dose anyone know how to solve this?


thanks for your attention!

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Message 1 of 16

Hey  阿斯顿, thanks for your interest in the template and for giving it a try.


Which version of the template are you currently using? Did you get the code directly from the repo on gitlab.com (either downloading or cloning the repository), or did you go through the releases page on our dokuwiki?


Seeing as you mention upgrading to DQMH5, you might have to upgrade the HSE template to one of the current versions, although it's been some time since these changed. 


The Obtain Default Broadcast Events.vi is part of our HSE flavour of DQMH and thus needs to be created manually (i.e. is not a part of vanilla DQMH), but seeing as you mention that only the .exe is broken I'll assume that the VI is there. 


Does it make any difference at all if you add the whole /Framework/ folder to "always included" section in your build spec?

DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshops (Fab, Steve, Brian and me)
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Message 2 of 16


Thanks for you quick response.Wish you have a nice week.

The TEMPLATE is v1.6.0, HSE Libs v1.10.0.I get the code form you gitlab. Include the dependencies( hse-library,hse-logger and hse-lay-out-manager).I tried your dqmh hse-single/clone template. and I found your have a bit different in system message argument with your template code. so I updated it. I tried it two week ago and running fine,now I have updated all the modules with DQMH 5.0 toolkit, it update some vis(start module etc),but I don't think it will affected the dynamic vis.

yes, I created the Obtain Default Broadcast Events.vi is by manually, and I think I followed the rules.When calling it in start.vi-> UI manager->set modules, I found this vi can not be called. The Load Module.vi and set modules.vi also be called by dynamic, the Obtain Default Broadcast Events.vi should be ok in theory.

I kept the whole /Framework/ folder in "always included" section in build spec,those vis inside it.

This is a bit of odd,I was doubt if the path is too long for calling, but I tried the whole projects in a short path still the same issues. And the Obtain Default Broadcast Events.vi  is the same icon terminal and the same vi settings. I also tried re-build this vi.



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Message 3 of 16

Your error snapshot is cut off, the vertical scrollbar shows that you could scroll down, could you send us a picture of the rest of the error message?  

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Message 4 of 16

Hi, Fabiola 

Thanks for your attention.

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Message 5 of 16

The default path for the navigation module is /Framework/Navigation/ - maybe the „_remote“ part is the problem? Why is it there?

DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshops (Fab, Steve, Brian and me)
Release Automation Tools for LabVIEW (CI/CD integration with LabVIEW)
HSE Discord Server (Discuss our free and commercial tools and services)
DQMH® (Developer Experience that makes you smile )

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Message 6 of 16

I renamed the Navigation and UI manager module via dqmh toolkit.

I just changed it back. But did not work.

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Message 7 of 16

Any chance you could share the code? Or create a copy without your IP that recreates the problem?

DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshops (Fab, Steve, Brian and me)
Release Automation Tools for LabVIEW (CI/CD integration with LabVIEW)
HSE Discord Server (Discuss our free and commercial tools and services)
DQMH® (Developer Experience that makes you smile )

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Message 8 of 16

If you are separating source code from compiled code, this is a long shot, but have you gone to the Tools menu and cleaned up the compiled cache?

Do this with no project open in LabVIEW.

Then open your project again.

Try to build. 


If that doesn't work, try the same steps but with a mass-compile before trying to build. 


I am suggesting this because you said it used to work and the change was to upgrade to DQMH 5.0. 


But if you could share the code with us, we may be able to figure it out together.



For an opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Steve, Joerg, and Brian amongst them):
Check out DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop!

DQMH Lead Architect * DQMH Trusted Advisor * Certified LabVIEW Architect * Certified LabVIEW Embedded Developer * Certified Professional Instructor * LabVIEW Champion * Code Janitor

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Message 9 of 16

Fabiola and Joerg.

I have did these steps you suggest.

I put the code in my github,

The original project is a bit of large and depend on my own library, So I delete some no-related code, hope it will not affect.



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Message 10 of 16