DQMH Consortium Toolkits Feature Requests

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As shown by Olivier Jourdan at GLA Summit 2024, the current implementation für the Helper Loop timeout case does not "guarantee" a consistent periode between timeout case executions. Since there is already a very sleek solution with the Wovalab Utilities, I would suggest integrating it into the DQMH Helper Loops. Especially now that we have private requests and helper loops in the scripting tools, DQMH users are more encouraged to use them.

Screenshot taken from the Wovalab Utilities example to show the difference bettwen the current implementation and the more consistent one.






This might be a special use case, but maybe there are more applications for a cluster of event registration refnums for helper loops.


My use case involves DAQmx or IMAQdx events. These events get registered through a DAQmx or IMAQdx reference, like this:



The register for events for the helper loop is happening before the loop and the task is started, which means that registering to the "Done" event of the task doesn't work if done like this:


Because there is no valid task reference yet, so the event registration gives an error.

What works instead is the bundling of the "Module Request Events"-event registration refnum with a static event registration refnum of the task "Done" event. 


Inside the helper loop, at a point where the task has been created, the event registration for "Done" event can be updated.



This works very well and simplified my code, which before had another async VI which registered to the daqmx event and sent a broadcast to the helper loop. This is much nicer. 


The drawback is that the DQMH event scripting tool does not support the extra namespace ("Module Events") of the clustered event registration refnums. This results in that every time the Module Request Events get updated the assignment of events to in helper loops event handler gets broken and they need to assigned again manually.


This happens when any kind of request is created. If the request is created for the helper loop this error appears:



This is how my helper looks like after assigning the events again:
(using just a bundle instead of bundle by name for space reasons)






Addition of check to request (and broadcast) creation, that when a helper loop exists and  the event registration refnum for the request events (and probably also the broadcast events) is bundled in a cluster with some other event registration refnum, the extra namespace (eg "Module Events") gets handled and the events can be created and assigned.





Everytime I create a new request to a DQMH cloneable module I always end up connecting the Module ID terminal to the new request added to API Tester, please add an additional scripting step to connect this terminal automatically

Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 11.27.25 a.m..png



This is more of a question or request for comments than an actual feature request:


In the dialogue window for creating a new DQMH module, should we rename the caption "Module Type" to "Module Template"? For a vanilla installation of DQMH, there are only two templates to choose from (Singleton and Cloneable), so the caption makes sense. Once you start adding your own templates, not so much anymore. Also, for documentation purposes, it would make things clearer if we separated the term "type" from the term "template".


In addition, it would be nice to see the actual type of the module (singleton or cloneable) added to the name in the dropdown list (see screenshot).




Bildschirmfoto 2023-10-05 um 11.14.33.png



I dislike using Clone IDs, Whenever I have used Clones in real life application, I always start by editing the Start Module VI and adding in a Clone name input. As I do this for all my clones the input name tends to be specific like 'Bay Name', or 'PSU Name' but a generic 'Clone Name' would be good.


I then pass that Clone Name into my MHL Data cluster in 'Initialize', each clone now knows it own name this allows things like

  • A Request to all Clones to get the instance for a name, so calling code can work in terms of Set Voltage(UUT_PSU), Set Voltage(RIG_PSU) rather than Set Voltage(45568) Set Voltage(40056), making a clone manager more code easier to read. -- I know this could be done in a clone manger with a Map or table, but I like the idea of the Clone know its own name.
  • As the clone knows it own name, because I gave it its name, this means clone instance configuration is easier, I have can have a single configuration ini file with each clone name as separate sections or I can have each clone read from its own ini file simple based on its own name.
  • Modules other than the clone manager can if needed talk to the correct clone using the name they do not need to know about the instance.

Thinking about this it would be, to my mind, a great feature addition to DQMH is by default there was a optional for providing a clone name at startup that was accessible as a Mod Admin property alongside the Module ID.




There is an option to convert Requests to Request and wait for reply but requests can not be converted to Roundtrip, so a broadcast has to be created manually with payload identical to the Request. Creating a Broadcast is not much of a deal but having two identical payloads is not ideal especially if the payload bundles multiple typedefs.


We are constantly having deployment errors on RT targets, mentioning the Simple Error Handler. Since on RT Targets that function is useless anyway, we've put a conditional disable structure around. This solved the error.


It would be nice, if that CDS would be added to a standard DQMH module.



Provide a mechanism to externally name the cloneable instances and retrieve the names to populate the "Select module" ring. 



Lets say I have three power supplies. Having a ring displaying eg.: 5,6,7 has way less information than lets say "Main PS", "DUT PS", "Battery PS". Sure in the background they will be just numbers so the numeric part of the ring should remain the same. If no name is provided for a given instance then nothing should change.


This is a relatively simple change, can be done easily with a template so not sure if this should be the part of a DQMH release.








I sometimes need to implement a DQMH module in isolation. So the first thing I do is create a new blank project and save it (this will be the dev project for the new module). Then I try to create a new DQMH module in the same folder as that project (by editing the 'Module Save Path' to point to the folder containing the new blank project):




When I try to click OK, I get a dialog that says I can't create the module because the specified folder contains LabVIEW files:


Yeah, I know the folder contains a LabVIEW file... it's the blank project. The Add Module dialog wants me to create a new subfolder for the new module, but I don't want that... I want the module and all its files to live in the same folder as the isolated development .lvproj. I propose that this file check be changed to remove ".lvproj" files from the list of LabVIEW file types that it checks for.




I'm working now on communication between two DQMH apps. Sending events between then is easy thanks to HSE Generic Networking for DQMH Module. However, each request that I want to transfer requires a wrapper (documentation) and the steps to create it are the same. It would be nice if I can automate this process by customing Create New DQMH Event function. So I have tried to find any information about how to add a type of event but without success. Is it possible? Another solution will be to have an option to add Post Event Creation action (vi), which gives a possibility to run self-created scripting code. 






The suggestion/request is mainly caputured in Implementation (1) at "https://delacor.com/dqmh-generic-networking-module/"


The proposal is to generalize the 'reply' communication by using a 'variant notifier' instead of a 'typedef notifier'.


I agree with the statement mentioned on the delacor website.

"This allows us to send and receive messages without knowing about their actual contents, and that’s the prerequisite for separating the module’s actual use code from the networking code."


The proposal is to change the DQMH scripting to always use the variant notifier. (instead of manually changing)

Actually I have changed the scripting to be able to have this automatically, which I use already 2 years. (If interest I can share with the consortium)


Personnally I don't see any disadvantages of using a variant instead of typedef in this case.

Also for writing the reply payload, this is not a problem as the typedef is also scripted automatically. (see screenshot) 



Any comments on potential disadvantages?








I was writing a module that interfaces with hardware and created an "initialize" request event to call the driver's init. Had I been thinking I would have realized there is already an "initialize" case native to DQMH, but the tool went ahead and scripted it out. The only indication of a problem was a broken run arrow due to duplicated case names.


The DQMH library has several errors defined in privately scoped VIs like "Module Not Running--error.vi".

It feels like the error codes associated with these error constants form part of the public API but there is no way that the library caller can know what these codes are without the omnipotent powers of the developer looking into the code (or deliberately triggering the error in an API call).

What would be people's thoughts on providing some public VIs which wrap up the private error constant VIs and just output the code for use with the things like the "Clear Errors.vi" or other error handling logic?

I know these could be added to a custom template but if the point of the DQMH is to encourage good practice then avoiding magic numbers in the caller's error handling logic is a win right!





I'd like to have a way to duplicate a module easily through DQMH module menu.


Just a very, very simple proposal for consistency, as per what the title says: when a "Panel close?" event is triggered in "External Launch" mode, the module should probably broadcast a "Panel hidden." Status updated. Like this:




Do you agree or is there any reason I'm missing for which the broadcast was not placed there?




When using the Request and Wait for Reply pattern, the time-out happens locally (with a usually hard-coded default-value).

The module receiving the message has no idea of the time-out on the client side (timeout meaning: When did I send the message to the module?, When do I not care about an answer anymore?).


I suggest incorporating such info (i.e. "Timeout End Timestamp") into the request message automatically, so that the module can do sanity checks before processing the request (i.e. "Time-out occured already, so I'm not executing the request at all, since the caller doesn't care anymore").


Furthermore, I think it is helpful, if you can choose during creation of a "Request and Wait for Reply" event with the wizard, if the time-out should be exposed or the default constant should be used, bringing this decision to the attention of the developer.


Thanks !





Instead of selecting each item to be updated then click update. It would be nice to have an update all or be able to select multiple items to be updated.. Especially when going to a newer version (like 4.x to 5.0)



In DQMH 7.0 you can create private requests now. This is a feature that I really like and the more you use something, the more ideas come to you.

In my current project I created a private request and shortly after I realized, that I need to call this request from another module. I tried to convert the private request into a public request, but this wasn't easy.


So here comes my idea: why is the conversation (public requests → private requests and privat requests → public requests) not included in the Convert DQMH Events dialogue? That would be the place where I would intuitively look for it.


Currently on the block diagram of VIs that implement Request events, the Bundle By Name node and associated typedef cluster constant are located outside of the case structure, even though their output is used only by the False case of the case structure (and not by the True case). The screenshot below shows the unmodified "Do Somthing.vi" VI.



The code would be slightly cleaner if the BBN and typedef constant were moved inside the False case of the event structure. This follows the clean code rule that if an action is relevant only to one case of a case structure, then it should be located inside that case. The code would then look like below.





For the singleton and cloneable module type, there is an option to include "Do Something" events in the new created module.




I'm not sure it's often used.


I'd like to remove it to simplify the UI.