11-16-2023 08:38 AM
I'm running a script to convert all unwanted zero values to NoValue this works fine I then use ChnNovHandle to interpolate the missing values, but sometimes I get the following error message. I think it has to do with the Time channel having 1 extra value, is there a way correct this in the script, also I would like to save the interpolated channel into a separate group eg interpolated/HP Power zr , buts its not clear how I can define this?
11-17-2023 09:02 AM
Hello Nick,
the channels must have the same length for this operation. You can shorten the channel length like this, for example:
Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("myTime").Properties("length").Value = Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("myTime").Properties("length").Value-1
The ChnNovHandle() method writes the result to the active channel group.
You can activate the desired group in this way:
Call Data.Root.ChannelGroups("interpolated").Activate()