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formatting time date dd/mmm/yyyy

I am trying to format a date to a specific format DD/MMM/YYYY which is a 2 digit day, 3 character abbrievated month, 4 digit year.  I'm pulling the date out of a csv file generated by the DAS software into a double array.


Using the TTR function to convert an odly formatted date to a number and then taking that number and reformatting the date.  Though this proves to be complicated because the format of the date can change from m_d_yyyy to m_dd_yyyy to mm_dd_yyyy and the ttr function can only handle the one format it is given.


For a normal format it works, adding another M in the month section does not accieve a 3 character abbrievated month


        CALDAT = ttr(1_2_1234,"m_dd_yyyy")
        caldat = str(caldat,"#d/m/yyyy")       ' returns 2/1/1234

        caldat = str(caldat,"#DD/MMM/YYYY")  'returns 2/1/1234


Are 3 character abbrievated dates even an option? or do I have to script a string split match loop to convert a date... it seems like reformatting a date should be easier than that.  Does anyone have any graceful ways to easily convert date formats?

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Message 1 of 3

Hello Frizzit,


The format string for months to show up as letters instead of numbers is #t in place of #d or #D


#dd/ttt/yyyy = 27/Apr/2012


The difference between "d" and "D" is explained here:


m or M Month
d or D Day
y or Y Year
k Calendar week
h or H Hour
n or N Minute
s or S Second
f Fraction of a second. DIAdem calculates a maximum of 4 places.


If you use the uppercase in the format instructions above, DIAdem deletes leading zeros and replaces them with a blank character.


The format specification hh:nn:ss results in 01:01:00, the format specification HH:NN:SS shows 1: 1: 0, and the format specification HH:nn:ss displays 1:01:00.


Use the following format instructions for months and days of the week:


#t, #tt Months with 1, 2 ... Character
#w, #ww Weekdays with 1, 2 ... Character
#T Full Months written
#W Full Weekdays written


I hope this helps, let us know if you have additional questions,



Otmar D. Foehner
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Message 2 of 3

I didn't see the t's when I was looking, thank you for that.  Standard VB, from my experience is/was MMM.


CALDAT = doubarr(c,21)

CALDAT = Replace(CALDAT,"_","/",1)

CALDAT = str(datevalue(CALDAT), "#dd/ttt/yyyy")


Works well

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Message 3 of 3