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Wildcard search in data store

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I'm trying to search using a wildcard in a AOP data store.  


This produces a result:

Back EMF Date: 2012-08-20 Time: 14:16:04


But this does not



How can I use wildcards in a data store search?  



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Message 1 of 4
Accepted by topic author RSenior

I would assume all of the following should create correct results

dim query : set query = store.CreateQuery
query.ReturnType = "Measurement" 
query.Conditions.Add "Measurement", "name", "=", "Back*"


store.GetElementList("Measurement", "name=Back%", true)


store.GetElementList("Measurement", "name=Back*", false)


store.GetElementList("Measurement", "name=Back*")

 Please take into account that AOP does not support case insensitive query.


I assume that you are using a AVL Puma. You might need to set a switch in the Advanced DIalog of the AOP connection. "Use Like instead of MATCH".

In the connection parameter this shows up as



Message 2 of 4

I swear I tried %...  Anyway, it works in a script, but not in the navigator.  I even set use LIKE instead of MATCH. Ideas?


EDIT: Sometimes I am quite hasty....  Anyway, searches ARE case sensitive, but I'm sure you knew that.  Now I do too.  🙂

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Message 3 of 4

Its case sensitive for AOP (ASAM ODS via RPC). Other stores offer both case sensitive and case insensitive (e.g. AOP5 = ASAM ODS via Corba).

If you work with AOP store % will always work (There is no escape character) but to make it generic only ElementList expects % id odsconform is set to true.


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