07-07-2016 05:18 AM - edited 07-07-2016 05:31 AM
Hey Community,
im looking for a solution to my Problem:
In a experiment i record a pressure trace within 200 ms, recording 50000 points.
But, for further processing i need to reduce the Data to 250 Points
I've reduced the noise allready and now have a rather smooth measurement.
But in the Experiment i have one very important peak, which MAX value is very important.
If i now simply reduce by averaging over all, i change the actual peak.
So what i need is somethin like a weighted reduciton in respect of the MAX Peak
So something like this:
If Point within +- 10% of MAX peak: Average only 2 points
If Point between +-10% and +- 20 % average 5 points
If Not Average 50 points
Ideally as a VB script.
07-08-2016 08:52 AM
Hi Rene,
I set up a little demo on how to do this. This example generates a sinus and resamples the sinus. For values greater than 0.9 the resampling resamples with factor 2 and in all other areas the resampling is done with 1:5.
Option Explicit
Dim strChnTime, strChnTimeHighRes, strChnTimeLowRes
Dim oChnTime, oChnSig, oChnSigHighRes, oChnSigLowRes, oChnTimeHighRes, oChnTimeLowRes
Dim oChnSigResampled, oChnTimeResampled
Dim sFormula, aSymbol(3), aValues(3)
Const HighResFactor = 2
Const LowResFactor = 5
Call Data.Root.Clear()
strChnTime = ChnLinGenImp("Time",1000,0,1,"")
strChnTimeHighRes = ChnLinGenImp("timeHighRes", 1000/HighResFactor, 0, 1*HighResFactor,"")
strChnTimeLowRes = ChnLinGenImp("timeLowRes", 1000/LowResFactor, 0, 1*LowResFactor,"")
Set oChnTime = Data.GetChannel(strChnTime)
Set oChnTimeHighRes = Data.GetChannel(strChnTimeHighRes)
Set oChnTimeLowRes = Data.GetChannel(strChnTimeLowRes)
Set oChnSig = Data.Root.ActiveChannelGroup.Channels.Add("Signal",DataTypeChnFloat64)
Set oChnSigHighRes = Data.Root.ActiveChannelGroup.Channels.Add("SignalHighRes",DataTypeChnFloat64)
Set oChnSigLowRes = Data.Root.ActiveChannelGroup.Channels.Add("SignalLowRes",DataTypeChnFloat64)
sFormula = "A = sin( T/100 )"
aSymbol(1) = "T"
aSymbol(2) = "A"
Set aValues(1) = oChnTime
Set aValues(2) = oChnSig
Call Calculate (sFormula, aSymbol, aValues)
Call ChnCharacterAll()
sFormula = "H = A + CTNV( A < 0.9 * PEAK)"
aSymbol(1) = "A"
aSymbol(2) = "H"
aSymbol(3) = "PEAK"
Set aValues(1) = oChnSig
Set aValues(2) = oChnSigHighRes
aValues(3) = oChnSig.Properties("maximum").Value
Call Calculate (sFormula, aSymbol, aValues)
sFormula = "L = A + CTNV( A >= 0.9 * PEAK)"
aSymbol(1) = "A"
aSymbol(2) = "L"
aSymbol(3) = "PEAK"
Set aValues(1) = oChnSig
Set aValues(2) = oChnSigLowRes
aValues(3) = oChnSig.Properties("maximum").Value
Call Calculate (sFormula, aSymbol, aValues)
Call ChnResampleChnBased(Ref(oChnTime),Ref(oChnSigHighRes),Ref(oChnTimeHighRes),Ref(oChnSigHighRes),"Automatic",0,0)
Call ChnResampleChnBased(Ref(oChnTime),Ref(oChnSigLowRes),Ref(oChnTimeLowRes),Ref(oChnSigLowRes),"Automatic",0,0)
Call ChnValExpand(Ref(oChnTimeLowRes))
Call ChnValExpand(Ref(oChnTimeHighRes))
Call ChnNovHandle(Ref(oChnSigHighRes),Ref(oChnTimeHighRes),"Delete","X",True,False)
Call ChnNovHandle(Ref(oChnSigLowRes),Ref(oChnTimeLowRes),"Delete","X",True,False)
Call ChnConcat(Ref(oChnSigHighRes),Ref(oChnSigLowRes))
Call ChnConcat(Ref(oChnTimeHighRes),Ref(oChnTimeLowRes))
Call ChnMultipleSort(Ref(oChnTimeLowRes),Ref(oChnSigLowRes),False,False)
Set oChnTimeResampled = Data.GetChannel("SortedX")
Set oChnSigResampled = Data.GetChannel("SortedY1")
oChnTimeResampled.Name = "Time (resampled)"
oChnSigResampled.Name = "Signal (resampled)"
Call ChnDel(Ref(oChnTimeHighRes))
Call ChnDel(Ref(oChnTimeLowRes))
Call ChnDel(Ref(oChnSigHighRes))
Call ChnDel(Ref(oChnSigLowRes))
Function Ref(oChn)
Ref = oChn.GetReference(eRefTypeIndexName)
End Function
Best regards,