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Searching for a filestamp in a channel


I am trying to look for a timestamp in a time channel and then get the relative index in order to get the corresponding signal value.

Anyway, using the FIND function I got an error "right braket missing";

BUT when I switch to another channel that does not contain time, the error does not appear.

Any hint?
(part of) the script is provided:


FOR  SecondLoopIndex = 2 to i
Group2 = "[" & SecondLoopIndex  & "]/"
Signal2 = Group2 & "[1]"

TimeIndex = ChV(ChanLoop, Group2&"[11]")
ChanTimeIndex2 = Find("Ch(""" & Signal2 & """) = " & TimeIndex & "" )
Call DataBlAppend("'[" & SecondLoopIndex & ]/[2]'",ChanTimeIndex2,10,"'[1]/[1]")


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Message 1 of 4

Hi l0x4r,


The Find() function is going to search a datetime channel using its real number values, so you need to provide the DIAdem elapsed fractional seconds equivalent in the comparison.


If you'll send me a data set, I can send you a quick script that searches for a particular time.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 2 of 4

thank you very much for your quick reply.

Anywaym, instead of having you doing the stuff for me I'd like to learn how to do it.

Colud you please give more information about this topic?

Or a link where I can get more information on the time functionalities?

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Message 3 of 4

Alrighty l0x4r,


Look up "ChnFind()" and "TTR()" and "RTT()" in the DIAdem Help system


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 4 of 4