12-19-2016 12:36 PM
Can someone recommend a method to calculate the max or min, at each point in time (row), from a list of channels? Right now I am looping through the channel length and using ValMax. Is there a fucntion similiar to ChnAverage but instead it calculates the max?
Option Explicit 'Forces the explicit declaration of all the variables in a script.
dim i, j
dim Length: Length = ChnLength(CNo("[2]/Pressure"))
dim Max, Min
Call ChnAlloc("Maximum",Length)
Call ChnAlloc("Minimum",Length)
For i = 1 to Length
Max = -100
Min = 100
For j = 2 to GroupCount
Max = ValMax(ChD(i,Ch("["&j&"]/Pressure")),Max)
Min = ValMin(ChD(i,Ch("["&j&"]/Pressure")),Min)
Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Maximum").Values(i) = Max
Data.Root.ChannelGroups(1).Channels("Minimum").Values(i) = Min
Call ChnCharacterAll
12-19-2016 11:07 PM
Hello DF_DJS.
Please try this:
Go to the ANALYSIS panel, chose "Statistics>Descriptive Statistics".
In the dialog for the "Descriptive Statistics" configuration, change the following settings:
"Row-oriented evaluation"
Pick all the channels you want to include in the min/max per row (line) calculation in the "Channels" field
Leave "Rows" at the default setting to include all rows of a channel.
Deselect everything, then select Min and Max in the dialog.
In the "Result Storage" tab, make sure that "Store results in channels" is selected.
Hit "Calculate" or "OK" in this dialog, and you will receive two new channel in the DataPortal with the results you are looking for.
You can use the Script recorder to turn the process into a Script.
I hope that's what you were looking for,