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Optimized integer file property cannot be assigned to a Navigator result column as type integer.

DIAdem 19.0.0f7460 (64-bit); DataFinder 19.0.0f7456

The file property "Test~Module" is an integer value and the data type is DataTypeInt16.
Unable to assign DataTypeInt16 or DataTypeInt32 as the column type for this property.
Only DataTypeFloat64 and DataTypeUnknown will be accepted without triggering an error.
Run the script below to see the error.


Call LogFileDel
'Optimize specific properties on My DataFinder
Dim oPropertiestoOptimizeDic, sFolder
sFolder = NameSplit(sFilePathDIAdemExample("TR_M17_QT_32-1.tdm"),"P")
Set oPropertiestoOptimizeDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("UUT", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeString))
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("Test~Module", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeInt32))
'Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("Test~Module", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeFloat64))
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("Test~Name", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeString))
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("Test~Operator", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeString))
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("Test~Procedure", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeString))
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("Test~ProductionDate", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeDate))
If Not bOptimizeDataFinderProperties("My DataFinder", oPropertiestoOptimizeDic) Then Call Err.Raise(65535,,"ERROR - bOptimizeDataFinderProperties()")
'Re-index the folder that contains the example files "TR_M17_QT*.tdm*"
If Not bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder(sFolder, True) Then Call Err.Raise(65535,,"ERROR - bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder()")

Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.Clear
Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.ReturnType = eSearchFile
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.Conditions.RemoveAll
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.Conditions.Add(eSearchFile,"Filename","=","TR_M17_QT*.tdm*")
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.Conditions.Add(eSearchFile,"Folder","=",sFolder)
Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.ResultsMode = eResultsModeProperties 'column-oriented / properties search
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.ResultsList.Columns.RemoveAll
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.ResultsList.Columns.Add(eSearchFile, "filename", DataTypeString)
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.ResultsList.Columns.Add(eSearchFile, "UUT", DataTypeString)
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.ResultsList.Columns.Add(eSearchFile, "Test~ProductionDate", DataTypeDate)
'The uncommented statements below results in the error: "The value of the argument DataType of the method Add is not valid."
'If you inspect the data type for this file property by looking at the search results, it will be DataTypeInt16.
'The only data type that doesn't cause an error is DataTypeFloat64 and DataTypeUnknown
'Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.ResultsList.Columns.Add(eSearchFile, "Test~Module", DataTypeInt16)
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.ResultsList.Columns.Add(eSearchFile, "Test~Module", DataTypeInt32)

Function sFilePathDIAdemExample(ByVal sFilename)
  'Returns the full absolute file/path for the location of the DIAdem
  'example (TDM/TDMS) file sFilename.  Looks in the usual places.
  'Returns "" if the file cannot be found.
  sFilePathDIAdemExample = ""
  Dim arrFilePaths, sFilePath, sFolder: ReDim arrFolders(1): arrFolders(0) = ProgramDrv: arrFolders(1) = CommonDocumentsPath
  For Each sFolder In arrFolders
    arrFilePaths = DirListGet(sFolder,sFilename,"Date/Time","FullFilenamesRecursive")
    If IsArray(arrFilePaths) Then
      For Each sFilePath In arrFilePaths
        If InStr(1,sFilePath,"Libr",vbTextCompare) = 0 Then sFilePathDIAdemExample = sFilePath: Exit For
    End If
    If Len(sFilePathDIAdemExample) > 0 Then Exit For
  If IsArray(arrFilePaths) Then Call Erase(arrFilePaths)
  If IsArray(arrFolders) Then Call Erase(arrFolders)
End Function  'sFilePathDIAdemExample()

Function bOptimizeDataFinderProperties(ByVal sDataFinderName, ByVal oPropertiesDic)
  'Optimize the properties specified in oPropertiesDic 
  '(key = property name, 'value = Array(Type, OptimizedDataType)
  ' Type:  eSearchFile, eSearchChannelGroup, eSearchChannel
  ' OptimizedDataType: DataTypeString, DataTypeInt32, DataTypeFloat64, DataTypeDate
  bOptimizeDataFinderProperties = False
  Call MsgLineDisp("Optimizing " & oPropertiesDic.Count & " custom properties for files on My DataFinder..")
  Dim oDataFinder, oSettings, sProperty, lErr, sErr, arrValue
  Set oDataFinder = Navigator.ConnectDataFinder(sDataFinderName)
  If oDataFinder Is Nothing Then Exit Function
  Set oSettings = oDataFinder.GetSettings()
  bOptimizeDataFinderProperties = True
  For Each sProperty In oPropertiesDic
    'Call LogFileWrite("Optimizing property '" & sProperty & "' of type " & oPropertiesDic(sProperty) & " on " & oDataFinder.Name)
    arrValue = oPropertiesDic(sProperty)
    If Not IsArray(arrValue) Then
      Call LogFileWrite("ERROR - value of oPropertiesDic passed to bOptimizeDataFinderProperties() is not an array")
      Exit Function
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    'OptimizeCustomProperty(Type, PropertyName, [OptimizedDataType])
    'Type:  eSearchFile, eSearchChannelGroup, eSearchChannel
    'OptimizedDataType: DataTypeString, DataTypeInt32, DataTypeFloat64, DataTypeDate
    Call oSettings.OptimizeCustomProperty(arrValue(0), sProperty, arrValue(1)) 
    lErr = Err.number: sErr = Err.Description: On Error Goto 0
    If lErr = 269 Then 
      Call LogFileWrite("The property has not been indexed yet on" & sDataFinderName)
      bOptimizeDataFinderProperties = False  'The property has not been indexed yet on sDataFinderName
    ElseIf lErr <> 0 Then
      Call LogFileWrite(sProperty & "  ERROR " & lErr & vbTab & sErr)
      Call LogFileWrite(sProperty & "  Type: " & arrValue(0))
      Call LogFileWrite(sProperty & "  OptimizedDataType: " & sDataTypeForProperty(arrValue(1)))
      bOptimizeDataFinderProperties = False
    End If
  Call MsgLineDisp(vbTab)
  Set oSettings = Nothing: Set oDataFinder = Nothing
End Function  'bOptimizeDataFinderProperties()  

Function bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder(ByVal sFolder, ByVal bShowMsgBox)
   bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder = False
  Dim oDF, oIndexer, iLastDisp, sMsg
  Const iTimeoutSec = 180, iTimer = 12
  iLastDisp = 0
  If Not FolderExist(sFolder) Then
    Call LogFileWrite("ERROR - folder does not exist " & sFolder & "  bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder()")
    Exit Function
  End If
  Call StopWatchReset(iTimer)
  If bShowMsgBox Then
    sMsg = "Reseting My DataFinder index for folder " & sFolder & ".."
    Call MsgBoxDisp(sMsg,"MB_NOBUTTON", "MsgTypeNote", MsgStdButton, MsgTimeOut, True)
  End If
  Set oDF = Navigator.ConnectDataFinder("My DataFinder")
  'oDF.Refresh & oDF.Reset don't resolve index problem (unless indexing specific files failed)

  Set oIndexer = oDF.Indexer
  'Call oIndexer.IndexFolder() will resolve refresh the index so that a query
  'using custom properties executes without an error. 
  Call oIndexer.IndexFolder(sFolder, True, True)
  'Call oIndexer.UpdateSearchArea() will NOT refresh the index so that a
  'query using custom properties executes without an error. 
  '*** NOTE:  The parameter passed to oIndexer.UpdateSearchArea() is the
  'search area Path without a trailing "\".
  'Call oIndexer.UpdateSearchArea(Mid(sFolder,1,Len(sFolder)-1))
  Call StopWatchPause(iTimer)
  If bShowMsgBox Then 
    Call LogFileWrite(Str(StopWatch(iTimer),"d.d") & " sec required to reset My DataFinder search folder '" & sFolder & "'")
    If Int(StopWatch(iTimer)) > 2 Then Call LogFileWrite(Str(StopWatch(iTimer),"d.d") & " sec required to reset My DataFinder search folder '" & sFolder & "'")
  End If
  If bShowMsgBox Then Call MsgBoxCancel
  Set oDF = Nothing: Set oIndexer = Nothing
  bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder = True
End Function  ' bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder()
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

Hi Mark,


When I run your posted code, I get a type mismatch error on line 86.  As far as I can tell, the variable "sDataTypeForProperty" appears nowhere else in the code.  Do you have that declared as a global variable?  It would have to be an array to index it like is happening in line 86.  Also it would have to be an array with 0..23 index values at least, because you're requesting sDataTypeForProperty(23) in that line, since arrValue(1)=23 at that moment (at least on my computer).


So far I'm not convinced it's a data type problem.


Brad Turpin

DIAdem Product Support Engineer

National Instruments


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Sorry about the missing function sDataTypeForProperty().  If you remove it and just print out the integer value, it should have been the integer value for DataTypeInt32.  HOWEVER - I no longer experience the error, and I cannot explain why.  I spent a lot of time debugging this problem, and now it has gone away.  I suspect it may have been duplicates of the same files in multiple My DataFinder search folders.  After I reported that error, I removed some of those search folders.  


Bottom line:  No problem exists with optimized integer file property for a Navigator result column.  


I am posting below a revised script, should someone wish to run the test.


'Optimize the file properties for the DIAdem example files "TR_M17_QT_32*" and then
'build a Navigator query to show those properties. 

Call LogFileDel
'Optimize specific properties on My DataFinder
Dim oPropertiestoOptimizeDic, sFolder
sFolder = NameSplit(sFilePathDIAdemExample("TR_M17_QT_32-1.tdm"),"P")
If Len(sFolder) = 0 Then Call Err.Raise(65535,,"ERROR - DIAdem example file not found")
Set oPropertiestoOptimizeDic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("UUT", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeString))
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("Test~Module", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeInt32))
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("Test~Name", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeString))
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("Test~Operator", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeString))
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("Test~Procedure", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeString))
Call oPropertiestoOptimizeDic.Add("Test~ProductionDate", Array(eSearchFile,DataTypeDate))
If Not bOptimizeDataFinderProperties("My DataFinder", oPropertiestoOptimizeDic) Then Call Err.Raise(65535,,"ERROR - bOptimizeDataFinderProperties()")
'Re-index the folder that contains the example files "TR_M17_QT*.tdm*"
If Not bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder(sFolder, True) Then Call Err.Raise(65535,,"ERROR - bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder()")

Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.Clear
Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.ReturnType = eSearchFile
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.Conditions.RemoveAll
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.Conditions.Add(eSearchFile,"Filename","=","TR_M17_QT*.tdm*")
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.Conditions.Add(eSearchFile,"Folder","=",sFolder)
Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.QueryForm.ResultsMode = eResultsModeProperties 'column-oriented / properties search
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.ResultsList.Columns.RemoveAll
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.ResultsList.Columns.Add(eSearchFile, "filename", DataTypeString)
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.ResultsList.Columns.Add(eSearchFile, "UUT", DataTypeString)
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.ResultsList.Columns.Add(eSearchFile, "Test~ProductionDate", DataTypeDate)
Call Navigator.Display.CurrDataFinder.ResultsList.Columns.Add(eSearchFile, "Test~Module", DataTypeInt32)
Call WndShow("NAVIGATOR")

Function sFilePathDIAdemExample(ByVal sFilename)
  'Returns the full absolute file/path for the location of the DIAdem
  'example (TDM/TDMS) file sFilename.  Looks in the usual places.
  'Returns "" if the file cannot be found.
  sFilePathDIAdemExample = ""
  Dim arrFilePaths, sFilePath, sFolder: ReDim arrFolders(2): arrFolders(0) = ProgramDrv: arrFolders(1) = CommonDocumentsPath: arrFolders(2) = GetEnv("PUBLIC")
  For Each sFolder In arrFolders
    arrFilePaths = DirListGet(sFolder,sFilename,"Date/Time","FullFilenamesRecursive")
    If IsArray(arrFilePaths) Then
      For Each sFilePath In arrFilePaths
        If InStr(1,sFilePath,"Libr",vbTextCompare) = 0 Then sFilePathDIAdemExample = sFilePath: Exit For
    End If
    If Len(sFilePathDIAdemExample) > 0 Then Exit For
  If IsArray(arrFilePaths) Then Call Erase(arrFilePaths)
  If IsArray(arrFolders) Then Call Erase(arrFolders)
End Function  'sFilePathDIAdemExample()

Function bOptimizeDataFinderProperties(ByVal sDataFinderName, ByVal oPropertiesDic)
  'Optimize the properties specified in oPropertiesDic 
  '(key = property name, 'value = Array(Type, OptimizedDataType)
  ' Type:  eSearchFile, eSearchChannelGroup, eSearchChannel
  ' OptimizedDataType: DataTypeString, DataTypeInt32, DataTypeFloat64, DataTypeDate
  bOptimizeDataFinderProperties = False
  Call MsgLineDisp("Optimizing " & oPropertiesDic.Count & " custom properties for files on My DataFinder..")
  Dim oDataFinder, oSettings, sProperty, lErr, sErr, arrValue
  Set oDataFinder = Navigator.ConnectDataFinder(sDataFinderName)
  If oDataFinder Is Nothing Then Exit Function
  Set oSettings = oDataFinder.GetSettings()
  bOptimizeDataFinderProperties = True
  For Each sProperty In oPropertiesDic
    'Call LogFileWrite("Optimizing property '" & sProperty & "' of type " & oPropertiesDic(sProperty) & " on " & oDataFinder.Name)
    arrValue = oPropertiesDic(sProperty)
    If Not IsArray(arrValue) Then
      Call LogFileWrite("ERROR - value of oPropertiesDic passed to bOptimizeDataFinderProperties() is not an array")
      Exit Function
    End If
    On Error Resume Next
    'OptimizeCustomProperty(Type, PropertyName, [OptimizedDataType])
    'Type:  eSearchFile, eSearchChannelGroup, eSearchChannel
    'OptimizedDataType: DataTypeString, DataTypeInt32, DataTypeFloat64, DataTypeDate
    Call oSettings.OptimizeCustomProperty(arrValue(0), sProperty, arrValue(1)) 
    lErr = Err.number: sErr = Err.Description: On Error Goto 0
    If lErr = 269 Then 
      Call LogFileWrite("The property has not been indexed yet on" & sDataFinderName)
      bOptimizeDataFinderProperties = False  'The property has not been indexed yet on sDataFinderName
    ElseIf lErr <> 0 Then
      Call LogFileWrite(sProperty & "  ERROR " & lErr & vbTab & sErr)
      Call LogFileWrite(sProperty & "  Type: " & arrValue(0))
      Call LogFileWrite(sProperty & "  OptimizedDataType: " & sDataTypeForProperty(arrValue(1)))
      bOptimizeDataFinderProperties = False
    End If
  Call MsgLineDisp(vbTab)
  Set oSettings = Nothing: Set oDataFinder = Nothing
End Function  'bOptimizeDataFinderProperties()  

Function bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder(ByVal sFolder, ByVal bShowMsgBox)
   bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder = False
  Dim oDF, oIndexer, iLastDisp, sMsg
  Const iTimeoutSec = 180, iTimer = 12
  iLastDisp = 0
  If Not FolderExist(sFolder) Then
    Call LogFileWrite("ERROR - folder does not exist " & sFolder & "  bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder()")
    Exit Function
  End If
  Call StopWatchReset(iTimer)
  If bShowMsgBox Then
    sMsg = "Reseting My DataFinder index for folder " & sFolder & ".."
    Call MsgBoxDisp(sMsg,"MB_NOBUTTON", "MsgTypeNote", MsgStdButton, MsgTimeOut, True)
  End If
  Set oDF = Navigator.ConnectDataFinder("My DataFinder")
  'oDF.Refresh & oDF.Reset don't resolve index problem (unless indexing specific files failed)

  Set oIndexer = oDF.Indexer
  'Call oIndexer.IndexFolder() will resolve refresh the index so that a query
  'using custom properties executes without an error. 
  Call oIndexer.IndexFolder(sFolder, True, True)
  'Call oIndexer.UpdateSearchArea() will NOT refresh the index so that a
  'query using custom properties executes without an error. 
  '*** NOTE:  The parameter passed to oIndexer.UpdateSearchArea() is the
  'search area Path without a trailing "\".
  'Call oIndexer.UpdateSearchArea(Mid(sFolder,1,Len(sFolder)-1))
  Call StopWatchPause(iTimer)
  If bShowMsgBox Then 
    Call LogFileWrite(Str(StopWatch(iTimer),"d.d") & " sec required to reset My DataFinder search folder '" & sFolder & "'")
    If Int(StopWatch(iTimer)) > 2 Then Call LogFileWrite(Str(StopWatch(iTimer),"d.d") & " sec required to reset My DataFinder search folder '" & sFolder & "'")
  End If
  If bShowMsgBox Then Call MsgBoxCancel
  Set oDF = Nothing: Set oIndexer = Nothing
  bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder = True
End Function  ' bResetMyDataFinderSearchFolder()

Function sDataTypeForProperty(ByVal iDataType)
  'Returns a string name for the DataType corresponding
  'to the DataStore property DataType as an integer (enumeration).
  'See Function oGetFilePropsOfNonIndexedTdmsOrTdmFileAsDic() for an example that uses this function.
  Select Case iDataType
    Case 0
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeUnknown"
    Case 1
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeInt8" '8-bit integer values 
    Case 2
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeInt16"
    Case 3
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeInt32"
    Case 4
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeInt64"  '64-bit integer values 
    Case 5
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeUInt8"  'Unsigned 8-bit integer values 
    Case 6
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeUInt16" 'Unsigned 16-bit integer values 
    Case 7
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeUInt32"
    Case 8
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeUInt64"
    Case 9
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeFloat32"  '32-bit real values 
    Case 10
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeFloat64"
    Case 23
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeString"
    Case 24
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeEnum" 'Enumeration
    Case 30
      sDataTypeForProperty = "DataTypeDate" 'Time
  End Select  'iDataType
End Function  'sDataTypeForProperty()


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 3