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Multiple pictures export from Report via script


I have datas divided on groups. These groups contains several channels. Example names from Data Portal:




and so on.

I found example scripts which I adopted for my needs.
I needed to average all those channels and a part of this script responsible for this action works fine.
Here piece of code:

' Subroutine for data analysis
sub sDoAnalysis
dim i

iMyIntVal = 10  ' Variable for dialog control

if SudDlgShow("Input_1","c:\SudExample") = "IDCancel" then
    iMyIntVal = 0

end if

For i=1 to iMyIntVal

STATSEL(1)       ="No"
STATSEL(2)       ="No"
STATSEL(3)       ="No"
STATSEL(4)       ="No"
STATSEL(5)       ="No"
STATSEL(6)       ="Yes"
STATSEL(7)       ="No"
STATSEL(8)       ="No"
STATSEL(9)       ="No"
STATSEL(10)      ="No"
STATSEL(11)      ="No"
STATSEL(12)      ="No"
STATSEL(13)      ="No"
STATSEL(14)      ="No"
STATSEL(15)      ="No"
STATSEL(16)      ="No"
STATSEL(17)      ="No"
STATSEL(18)      ="No"
STATSEL(19)      ="No"
STATSEL(20)      ="No"
STATSEL(21)      ="No"
STATSEL(22)      ="No"
STATFORMAT       =""
Call STATBLOCKCALC("Channel","1-","'["& i &"]/Angle' - '["& i &"]/Torque") '... STATDIREC,ROWNOSTR,CHNNOSTR

if i=1 then

Call Formulacalc("Ch('[1]/Angle') := Ch('[1]/Angle') - ChD(1,'Arithm_mean')")
Call Formulacalc("Ch('[1]/Torque') := Ch('[1]/Torque') - ChD(2,'Arithm_mean')")


Call Formulacalc("Ch('["& i &"]/Angle') := Ch('["& i &"]/Angle') - ChD(1,'Arithm_mean"& i-1 &"')")
Call Formulacalc("Ch('["& i &"]/Torque') := Ch('["& i &"]/Torque') - ChD(2,'Arithm_mean"& i-1 &"')")

end if

end sub

iMyIntVal is defined as a Global variable

In user dialog box I can enter number of samples to process.
I have a diagram ready in the Diadem Report so I have to replace data channels and export the graphs to .png files one by one.

axis X -> [1]/Angle
axis Y -> [1]/Torque

--> export graph to sample_1.png

axis X -> [2]/Angle
axis Y -> [2]/Torque

--> export graph to sample_2.png

axis X -> [3]/Angle
axis Y -> [3]/Torque

--> export to sample_3.png  and so on.

How can I do this automatic via script based on number of samples that I enter in user dialog box ?

Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 2
Hey Domin,

To start out with, I would recommend trying to use the script recording capability to record your actions and then try to emulate that code in your larger application.

Andy McRorie
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