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Create XY Channel associated to an existing time channel

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Suppose that in my Data Portal there is a group (e.g. "Group Test") containing a time channel ("Group Test/time") and several XY Channels ("Group Test/Var00", "Group Test/Var01", etc.)


I would like to create a new XY Channel  associated to "Group Test/time". It should be added to the same Group. This new Channel of course hs the same length as all the other channels of that group.


I am able to create a channel, but I cannot associate to the time reference

# Create Channel. OK
dd.ArrayToChannels(outX, ['Group Test/calcChan']) 

# Associate calculated channel with X-Reference. KO
dd.Data.Root.ChannelGroups('Group Test').Channels('calcChan').XRelation = 'time'

Running the script above, I get the error message "AttributeError: Property '<unknown>.XRelation' can not be set."


Is there a way to do it? Many thanks


Annotation 2021-12-02 142742.jpg

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Accepted by topic author panta1978

I figured it out! In case someone else will need it, that's how I did it.


# Create Channel. OK
dd.ArrayToChannels(outX, ['Group Test/calcChan']) 

# Associate calculated channel with X-Reference. KO
dd.Data.Root.ChannelGroups('Group Test').Channels('calcChan').xRelation = dd.Data.Root.ChannelGroups('Group Test').Channels('time')


Basically I shouldn't associate a text string, but a channel.

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