The Analog & Digital Communications Systems Lab Experiments and Courseware available here engages students with LabVIEW-based exercises and experiments that cover both theory and practice. The material development was supervised by American University of Beirut (AUB) professors Dr. Zaher Dawy ( and Dr. Ernst Huijer ( for the EECE 442L Communications Laboratory, a junior-/senior- level lab course in the AUB Electrical and Computer Engineering Department.
Click on the links below to access the course material and associated LabVIEW VIs , which includes instructor notes and eleven complete experiments.
| Title / Link to Lab Exercises | LabVIEW VIs | Release | Description / Objectives |
0 | Instructor Notes / Lab Guidelines | N/A | August 2009 | - Discusses lab station setup, prerequisites and other details related to how the EECL 442CL Communications Lab is taught at the American University of Beirut (AUB).
1 | Introduction to LabVIEW | Coming Soon | August 2009 | - Introduce LabVIEW basics that are relevant for developing experiments and exercises related to communication systems.
2 | Amplitude Modulation | Coming Soon | August 2009 | - Review the basic concepts of amplitude modulation and demodulation.
- Demonstrate and analyze the behavior of various amplitude modulation and demodulation schemes.
3 | Frequency Modulation | Coming Soon | August 2009 | - Review the basic concepts of frequency modulation and demodulation.
- Build and analyze the behavior of an FM modulator and demodulator.
- Perform demodulation of an FM signal from a circuit and study the effect of additive noise on the demodulated output.
4 | Sampling and Quantization | Coming Soon | August 2009 | - Understand the basic concepts of sampling and quantization.
- Demonstrate and analyze the process of sampling with emphasis on the sampling conditions that enable regeneration of an original signal.
- Demonstrate and analyze uniform and non-uniform quantization algorithms taking into account the pros and cons of each approach.
5 | Pulse Coded Modulation (PCM) | Coming Soon | August 2009 | - Understand the basic concepts of pulse-code modulation (PCM).
- Demonstrate and analyze the behavior of uniform and non-uniform PCM systems.
- Demonstrate and analyze the A-law and the µ –law companders.
- Demonstrate and analyze encoding schemes for PCM systems.
6 | Digital Modulation, I | Coming Soon | August 2009 | - Understand the basic concepts of MPSK and MQAM digital modulation techniques.
- Demonstrate and analyze MPSK and MQAM modulation techniques.
- Evaluate the performance of MPSK and MQAM modulation techniques.
7 | Digital Modulation, II | Coming Soon | August 2009 | - Understand the basic concepts of MFSK and MSK digital modulation techniques.
- Demonstrate and analyze MFSK, MSK, and GMSK modulation techniques.
- Evaluate the performance of MFSK, MSK, and GMSK modulation techniques.
8 | Demodulation and Performance Evaluation | Coming Soon | August 2009 | - Understand the basic concepts of demodulation of digitally modulated signals.
- Demonstrate and analyze MPSK, MQAM and MFSK demodulators.
- Evaluate the BER performance of MPSK, MQAM, and MFSK modulation schemes.
- Analyze basic properties of channel coding for communication systems.
9 | PAM over Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) Channels, I | Coming Soon | August 2009 | - Understand the basic concepts of PAM modulation over inter-symbol interference channels.
- Demonstrate and analyze PAM modulation over linear Gaussian channels.
- Understand the effect of pulse shaping filters on inter-symbol interference.
10 | PAM over Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI) Channels, II | Coming Soon | August 2009 | - Understand the building blocks of the receiver structure for PAM over ISI channels.
- Demonstrate and analyze demodulation using matched filters.
- Investigate various equalization techniques to combat ISI.
11 | Digital Communication System Setup | Coming Soon | August 2009 | - Design and analyze a digital communication system that sends data from transmitter to receiver over a noisy channel.
For More Information
The course website ( may host newer revisions of this material.
Solutions are available to qualified educators. To request this material, or if you have questions, comments, etc., please contact Dr. Zaher Dawy at or Dr. Ernst Huijer at