I am currently working with my University project, and I have few problems with encoder program, from encoder counts to rpm.
The problems are:
1. My program shows the encoder has approximately 40,000 counts per rotation, but the data sheet shows 200 pulses per rotation of this encoder. Why it has such a huge difference? Count and Pulse not the SAME meaning? (The encoder type: IDEC SC1B Rotary Incremental Encoder with two channels)
2. rpm= [max response frequency / pulses per rotation] * 60, this formula was given from the encoder data sheet, how can I get the “frequency” of my encoder from LabView (for each angle when encoder rotate correspond with the specific frequency shown on front panel of LabView), i have tried many times, but the graph only shows counts in y-axis which the results is not what i want. My encoder was connected to the NI USB-6009 card, all wire connections did by previous year student.
3. I could only get one signal from encoder, it should be 2 signals. Why?
I’ve been struggling for weeks time:mansad:, could someone explain it to me with details please, with Blog diagram will be great. And I have attached my files, please check it.
Please help! Thx very much !