Chicago LabVIEW User Group

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User Group Meeting Presentations

It was great to see everyone yesterday.  Here are pdf's of yesterday's two main presentations related to UI/UX design and logging frameworks in LabVIEW, specifically LLAMA (LabVIEW Logs AlMost Anything).  Thanks also to Jeff, Anthony, and Michael who spoke during the Little LabVIEW Lectures and gave us some great tips on NXG, I2C/SPI hardware, and Scripting.

Steven Dusing
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Interesting observation: in Labview 2017 using Replace to swap a Silver control for one of DMC's doesn't work well. Some of the old item properties are retained, for example the Help Button doesn't change the on-button text size or color when using Replace. Thanks for some good talks, and here are my USB-845X slides as a PDF

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This is true, as doing a replace will try to keep much of the formatting of the original control, unfortunately.  The best I know of is a simple workaround:  Drop the new UI control on the Front panel.  Copy and paste it over the Silver control.  This will properly update all property nodes and local variables that may have been associated with the silver control.  You may just need to re-type the label.

Steven Dusing
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