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How much detail is too much for the CLA

I'd like to take the CLA exam soon. Most of my applications for over a year have consisted of several while loops running in parallel to handle different instruments or functionality with messages sent between them, so I'd like to stick with something similar for the exam. I've read several times that you don't want a functional application at the end of the CLA, but I still am not sure how to strike the balance between enough detail to demonstrate knowledge and fast enough to get everything done.


I tried coding up something similar to the DQMH (which does not ship with LabVIEW yet) and it took me about 1.5 hours just to get all the core events (Launch, Init, Stop, Handle Error) and API VIs created. This is a lot of time, so I will probably stick with enum/variant clusters sent with queues for the exam. 


Either way, when making a module that needs to do x amount of things, should I leave a note telling someone to add these things to the enum typedef, make a case for each one, make a typedef for necessary data, and create a wrapper VI for each one? Should I do all of these things, and leave a note in the case structure to take care of the functionality? Should I do one module very detailed and the rest less detailed? Am I asking the wrong questions?


Thank you for your insight!

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Message 1 of 3

My opinion for the enums is to fully populate the type def and make a case for each element.  Then just put in notes in each case about what to do.


So you built the framework and told the lesser minions what to do.  That is what is required for the CLA exam.

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Message 2 of 3

Thank you Crossrulz. I guess I will give it a go and post my solution for feedback 🙂

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