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Can anyone give review for my CLD samples


     I'm going to take my CLD exam by MAY, 2017. Meanwhile Can anyone give feedback about my CLD samples (as shown below .zip file) that will be easy for my exam which means from Professional LabVIEW developers feedback.

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Message 1 of 6

I reviewed your sprinkler example.  Overall nice style.  Some things you really need to focus on:

  • Watch your documentation - it is going to cost you points "Adds an element to the back of a queue." is not a good vi description for Sprinkler.vi and there are several tip-strips missing on user controls and indicators  
  • Comment and challenge "Stupid" requirements.  Implement them anyway but do note idiocy - Why isn't Time (In Seconds) a UINT?
  • NOTE: Take this with the humorous intent I mean.  Go back to "Potty Training," There is no need to preview the contents before you "Flush" and the function flushes everything the first time. (You won't forget that again now will you?)
  • When do you need to write the value of setup array?  after every state with the value you just read? (Insanity!) or, only when you initialize from file?  Probably won't cost a point but, I'll ding you anyway for abusing the UI thread.  Its a bad habit. 
  • Check out the function "Implies" on the boolean palette.  Then look at the Start Case.  "Run Selector" implies "Start" sounds much nicer than if not "Run Selector" "Start"

Like I said, Nice submission.  let us know how it goes in May

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 2 of 6



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Message 3 of 6


In less than a month, i am appearing for CLD exam. I did 3 sample exam, fortunately i could finish it in 4 hours. Could you please review my programming style, functionality and documentation? In which section, i need to improve.




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Message 4 of 6

OK Shree.  I did take a peek at your ATM submission.  

You have a "Jetson Problem" 

That False constant is a real bummer.


Descriptions for all type defs are needed.  But, (Pause for effect) the worst offence is the error constant wired to the outer case selector of the main vi.  If that doesn't spark a "What Was I Thinking" moment nothing will.   


I'm not a real big fan of a "Default" case that is not the Default case either.  Call me overly critical if you must but, I think that is a mistake designed to get your nose broken by the maintainer of your code.Smiley Wink


Over-all, not bad.  Read up on wired terminals not on root block diagram "Clearing the mud" and Overlapping controls (I'll let you search for that)

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 5 of 6

Yes. The ATM will run until the abort button or any error occurs 😛

BTW nice video, suits with the ATM problem 'Stop this crazy thing' Smiley Very Happy

How about the documentation and style?


Could you please review the attached vi for the timer operation such as start timer, read timer, pause, resume, and reset. Whether it has any issues with the functionality?




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Message 6 of 6