09-14-2015 05:50 AM
Welcome Richard.
Hope you enjoyed the CLD Summit and look forward to your input
Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop
12-18-2015 10:22 AM
Had to happen eventually
Hi All,
My name is Sacha and I'm a Systems Engineer with NI. I've been abusing LabVIEW since 1992 at University of Hull where I automated an optical bench using GPIB instruments. Version 3.0 under Windows 3.1. Please don't ask me to show that now....
Thanks to everyone for being such an approachable group and I hope to attend more regularly from now on...
Happy Xmas and see you all soon....
12-18-2015 12:24 PM
Hah Finally got you!,
There's no escape now...
Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop
12-19-2015 03:43 AM
Continuing the theme of NI employees....
Hi Everyone,
I'm Charlotte and I'm a Technical Marketing Engineer with NI specialising in software. I've been with NI for about a year and a half now and first started using LabVIEW a year before that. I'm very interested in coming to some of your meetings, to see how user groups work, meet everyone and learn even more about LabVIEW so hopefully I'll see everyone at your next meeting!
Have a great Christmas break!
12-19-2015 05:33 AM
Welcome Charlotte.
I'm just trying to get the dates for next year sorted (trying to avoid clashing with events like the CLA Summits)
If you have a few hours spare, you can get access to our youtube public vids and via our google+ group the actual streamed meetings. I'll be working on this meeting over Christmas and putting videos up when they look pretty enough.
Alternatively you just enjoy the Christmas Holiday.
Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop
12-26-2015 05:57 AM
Hi Everyone, I'm Andrew and I recently passed my CLD exam. I have just finished working with Mike Bailey and learnt a huge amount so I thought I would join CSLUG to continue the process. I started learning LabVIEW in 2007 with some legacy ATE. I then used LabVIEW to develop a characterisation prgram for an INS device and after that for a underwater navigation program using acoustics and GPS. I look forward to seeing you all in the New Year. Andrew
12-28-2015 03:43 AM
Welcome Andrew,
What's an INS device?
Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop
12-28-2015 04:36 AM
INS = Inertial Navigation System. Take a cube, fit three of its faces with accelerometers, three with gyrocompassess and add a bit of software. Tell it where it is and then wherever it goes it knows where it is - sounds easy but as with all these things the devil is in the detail
03-21-2016 08:06 AM
My name is Martin Kingsley, hoping to attend my first CSLUG tomorrow.
I work up the A34 at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory but I work for a Materials Science research group from the Univeristy of Manchester.
I use LabVIEW to implement control and remote control systems for the groups experimental equipment.
Prior to that I was employed by a large mobile phone manufacturer, no LabVIEW but plenty of mass production, test automation experience and system integration experience.
Further details at
03-21-2016 08:33 AM
Welcome Martin. Hope you get something from it.
Opportunity to learn from experienced developers / entrepeneurs (Fab,Joerg and Brian amongst them):
DSH Pragmatic Software Development Workshop