Dear Molly,
I'm asking myself if the toolkit will be usable in Germany. Does it concern about all the taxes we have? Can I analyze the whole amount of taxes I have to pay? I mean not only the one paid from my salary but also paid when I buy something. We have a lot of taxes here like petroleum tax, beer tax, sugar tax, VAT.
Need I to use a Windows Server OS to run SQL Server or Oracle to hold the tax rule data base or will Access or the Microsoft Desktop Engine do it? Do we need other toolkits? I think of Database Connctivity (tax rule data base), MS Reporting (generating the forms), Internet (direct publishing to the local tax office).
Does the toolkit cover only taxes paid by a person or can I also use it for a company? I know some competetive products like
that one but they can handle no company tax rules.
local tax office: One of 10 word
LEO found for Finanzamt.
Using 7.1.1, 8.5.1, 8.6.1, 2009 on XP and RT
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