Actually, I just remembered a really good joke on that, which will probably not translate well, and it depends on delivery as well, but I'll try anyway.
A man comes to the rabbi and says "Rabbi, I want to build a house and I know you can find anything in the Talmud. Please tell me where to find it". The rabbi says "look, just hire a contractor and let him do his job". The man keeps insisting, so the rabbi eventually says, "OK, go to book X, page 34b and study the topic there. That will give you what you need". The man goes away happy, and comes back six months later - "Rabbi, I don't know if you remember me, but I asked you for advice on building a house". The rabbi replies "Oh, right. I sent you to book X, page 34b, yes? Is everything alright?". The man says "Yes, I followed your advice and built a beautiful house, but when I opened the front door, the whole thing collapsed!". The rabbi thinks for a second and then replies "Oy, I forgot to tell you. It's very important that that you read the second Tosfot on the page".
Try to take over the world!