NI is working on higher level reference designs and starter kits to help with rapid prototyping and design. The latest is the Electrocardiography ECG Reference Design Embedded Starter Kit which combines the Texas Instruments TMDXMDKEK1258 Electrocardiogram (ECG) Analog Front End (AFE) module reference design with the NI Single Board RIO, and a set of collateral and LabVIEW based application sample code to allow you to build a working ECG prototype. The system can operate stand alone or as a component within a higher level integrated system including motor control or high speed measurements.
To build the complete embedded prototyping kit, you will need to purchase the following components, build a small adapter and download the attached software.
- Purchase the Texas Instruments ECG) Analog Front End (AFE) reference design kit
- Build the NI sbRIO Adapter to the TI ECG Analog Front End reference design. Just send the gerbers to Sunstone and solder a few parts.
- Purchase the NI Single Board RIO Embedded Starter kit
- Download the LabVIEW FPGA IP to control the TI ADS1258 16-Channel, 24-Bit ADC
- Download the High-level LabVIEW Real time electrocardiography application drivers and example application
The details can be found at:
Not for Diagnostic Use: For Feasibility Evaluation Only in Laboratory and Development Environments.
A lot stuff is needed for this setup. For larger impact perhaps a version based on the "NI USB-8451" should also be available. If this is technical if possible that is. As I understand the TI Analog EVM front end use SPI for communication. It would not perhaps do any marketing for the NI RIO system as this setup is meant to be. But it could be a good intro and marketing for other NI signal processing toolkit.