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Connect DAQmx in an Application

Hello guy´s,

I´m new in the labview-world. And I have a little problem. My task is it to create an application for a check field. At the check field some physicals sizes sould be measured. For example pressure, flow and temprature. The labviewfile is ready. After trying some examples (tutorial files),which shows you how an installer, executable, etc. is build, I want to create the application. At first I created the executable, this is no problem.I tested it at my computer where the labviewfile got created and the executable it´s working. Now I want to create the installer. After checking all the characteristics(hardware configuration, additional installers) i want to build the installer. But than an error message appears. I have to search for the NI DAQmx 9.4. And this is my problem is now. I´m using labview 2013 and MAX 5.5. And I also installed NI-DAQmx 9.7.5 so if I want to install NI-DAQmx 9.4 after downloading the istallation failed because a higher version is on my pc. I also tried to unzip the Ni-DAQmx 9.4 at an other pc and put it on an USB stick. If I choose the trail to the USB-Stick or I put the NI-DAQmx 9.4 file at the desktop a window is popping up "invalid position". I don´t know what I can do now to get the installer build. Can anyone help me with my Problem? Or can give me (a tip were I can find) a solution.

Thank you very much for helping.


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Message 1 of 3

a better place to ask these kind of questions in in the forums or on the support page

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Ok thanks for this. Sorry for bothering you.

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Message 3 of 3