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UDS services request not responding on NI 8502

I tried with Transmit ID and receive ID correctly.But its baudrates mismatch and what baudrates of 500KBytes 80% sample point. I dont find option to fix it in software. Like error is coming ECU response is not coming though TX is being sent.

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Message 21 of 32

I tried with Transmit ID and receive ID correctly.But its baudrates mismatch and what baudrates of 500KBytes 80% sample point. I dont find option to fix it in software. Like error is coming ECU response is not coming though TX is being sent. Also there is issue like they say Arbitation ID is invalid incase if i write Rx complete ID. Error image is attached.

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Message 22 of 32



please refer to this document for more information on how to set a custom CAN FD baud rate and sample point (do these steps for both the nominal and the FD baud rate): 


Here's a guide on how to calculate the custom hex baud rate values: 


When using extended CAN IDs (like all above 2047), please perform a logical OR with the value 0x20000000 before passing the ID in, like described in this topic: 



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Message 23 of 32

Everything working well . As i broke the example program into my own VI. But do you know how to remove ISOTP -8260 error. I get my tester success but its not stable sometimes it give this error. I don't understand what's the reason.?

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Message 24 of 32



error -8260 means that the ECU failed to respond within the set time span.

I would first check if the bus is really fine (e.g. by parallel logging via NI-XNET Bus Monitor with Error Frame output enabled). If Error frames are displayed, the CAN bus might not be set up correctly.

Then, when the timeout error happens in your code, inspect the frame log to find out if the ECU did answer at all (via its CAN ID) and how long the delay was.


You could also try increasing the timeouts, e.g. "Timeout Diag Command" and "Timeout FC" using the Diag Set, in case the ECU seems to respond late.

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Message 25 of 32

I analysed it on xnet. There everything is ok as i enabled error frames too. And also you mentioned to increase Timeout Diag command i increaed upto 3 seconds and also FC upto 2 sec.but nothing changed. Any other i can change for time out ?

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Message 26 of 32


I'm not seeing your CAN IDs in that log, can you maybe enable filtering to the specific IDs?

From the monitor page it seems that the ECU did answer however after the last request, but seeing a full log would make it more clear

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Message 27 of 32

Here i am attaching ECU responded correct for tester present.

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Message 28 of 32


is this the exact snapshot of communication when your VI reports the timeout error?

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Message 29 of 32

yes i think i need to periodic send TX unless i get positive reply because 90% of time its working and rest its ISOTP receive error .

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Message 30 of 32