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C# Wrapper for NI CAN

Hi everybody, 


I'm begining to write a C# .NET wrapper for NI CAN ( basic function for now).


Is anybody have already done something like that or someone want to collaborate with me ?








Message 1 of 6

Hi bw-dijon,


Thanks for posting on National Instruments forum. 


You can find here some wrapper example for Modular Instruments driver and toolkit which can give you some ideas how to implement your own wrapper for NI-CAN. When you have installed NI-CAN you have access to the .h file where you can find all function prototype you need. 


Feel free if you have any questions and good luck!



    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

Message 2 of 6

Hi bw-dijon,


Please find in attachment the C#.NET wrapper for NI-CAN. You need Measurement Studio for the moment but I will try to do it without MS. 


Let me know if this helps and feel free if you have any questions. 

    Benjamin R.

Senior LabVIEW Developer @Neosoft

Message 3 of 6

Bonjour BenjaminR.


Merci pour votre réponse et désolé pour ce fedback tardif.


CAN_Input wrap le chanel API alors que j'ai besoin du Frame API.


J'ai bien avancé de mon coté sur un wrapper C#, une bonne partie du frame API est fonctionelle ainsi que l'ISOTP normal et extended mode et le début d'implémentation du protocl KWP2000.


Si quelqu'un est interressé par ce wrapper, je le tiens a disposition ( dans l'état 🙂 ).



Message 4 of 6

Attached zip contain not C# but Visual Basic wrapper of only few Channel API functions using Measurement Studio elements for Visual Studio,

so if you need C#, or need Frame API, or have no Measurement Studio, no use of it

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Message 5 of 6




A few years have passed, Is there any C# example or API related to NI-CAN I can investigate?


Thanks so much

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Message 6 of 6