From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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From 11:00 PM CST Friday, Feb 14th - 6:30 PM CST Saturday, Feb 15th, will undergo system upgrades that may result in temporary service interruption.
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This is an OPTIONAL add-on for the LV environment. You do not need this to use the Actor Framework. This tool is a quick-drop plug in that improves the browsing experience when diving into deep dynamic dispatch hierarchies.
For instructions on using this tool, read this comment below:
You need VI Package Manager to install this file.
Any chance of backsaving it to 2009 or 2010?
It's not out of the question, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to get to it. My primary project has a pretty aggressive time line for the next few weeks.
This package should have jki_tool_right_click_framework listed as a dependency. This is currently missing in
I wrote the Method Viewer to be compatible with either the Right Click Framework or with Quickdrop. If I recall correctly, listing the Right Click Framework as a dependency would require you to install it, and I don't want to force that on a user that would prefer to use Quickdrop.
Has anyone had any issues with using this tool in Quickdrop *without* the RCF installed?
I mentioned the jki_tool_right_click_framework dependency because I saw LabVIEW searching for RCF VIs during the package installation mass compile.
VIPM does have a checkbox to "Include Dependencies" when installing a package. The user would not be required to install the RCF if they unchcked this. I am not sure if VIPM supports "optional" dependencies which would not be selected by default...
No issues here using the tool in Quick Drop without the RCF installed.
Thanks for developing this, it is a great tool.
Cool tool. This is a work-flow question. Since I'm never on the block diagram of the parent Actor Core, what is the best way to use this tool to see all the Message Do methods? Do I have to open up the base actor's "Actor" in order to select the ""?
Mike: Yes, that's the only mechanism in the tool at the moment.
Here's an AF-rookie question: How does this tool work?
This one doesn't have anything to do with AF per se. It affects all LV classes and gives you a way to flip through all of the overrides of a given subVI. I don't have it installed at the moment, but if memory serves, it's either a right click on a dynamic dispatch subVI node or it replaces the double-click behavior when you double click on a dynamic dispatch subVI node. I didn't write this tool, just uploaded it on behalf of niACS.
I also had some issues trying to figure out how this tool works. I got already a little deeper into LVOOP and AF, but I haven't really used QD or RCF before. So here is a little 'how to' for those, who have same issues as me
After you installed the model viewer, you first need to mark a dynamic dispatch VI in the blockdiagram and then open Quick Drop (CTRL+Space), use Shortcut (Default: CTRL+M) and...
To use the Right-Click Framework you first need to start it (Tools->JKI Right-Click Framework->Start...) then you can mark the dynamic dispatch VI you want to view, activate the RCF (Default: CTRL+1), hold it and right-click the VI, select 'Model View' and...
TaaDaa!!! You should see a screen like this:
@niACS, add mine too
I can't install it. Opening it just opens the VIPM search screen? LabVIEW 2014.
If I open it from within the package manager it works fine, guess it must be afile assosiation problem on my PC?
Richard_Ha wrote:
If I open it from within the package manager it works fine, guess it must be afile assosiation problem on my PC?
Fixing the file association is the solution that I've seen in the past with other VI packages having the problem you describe.