07-13-2015 12:42 PM
I am getting Error 1003 when I am trying to launch an Actor in Launch Actor Core. It is occurring when the "Open VI Ref" is called. There is no error when the "Name" is fetched by the property node right before the Open. This is occurring on a cRIO-903 that has the Linux OS. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. By the way, as far as I can tell, none of the VIs have broken arrows.
07-13-2015 01:32 PM
Have you seen this thread? https://decibel.ni.com/content/thread/25059
Perhaps there will be some tips there which help.
07-13-2015 02:01 PM
Thanks for suggestion but no help.
07-13-2015 04:11 PM
> By the way, as far as I can tell, none of the VIs have broken arrows.
I'm assuming you mean that on the desktop they have no broken arrows. Are they broken on the CRio? I don't do RT debugging except once every couple years, so I can't help you much, but I think you should be able to just open the VI refnums and use a VI server loop to check the Execution State property to see which VIs are broken and maybe find a subVI where you're using functions that don't exist on that platform. Maybe?
07-13-2015 04:26 PM
Actually, I fixed the problem but can only make an educated quess as to what actually solved the issue.
I looked at the thread that discussed Error 1003 and you had mentioned the problem with dynamic VIs. I checked all of the VIs that I had overridden and made sure all had the same execution settings all the way down to the Actor Framework itself. This still did not fix the problem. Finally, I just shutdown LV and restarted it. Then everything worked. I seem to be finding that just closing a project does not necessarily remove all memory references to items that the project loaded in memory. If LV is going to retain objects in memory after closing the project, it would seem that I should be informed of this.
07-14-2015 04:52 PM
Of all the things I'm confident of, if we close a project, we do NOT retain references. Why am I confident of this? Because if we retain any references, they generally crash because they are now missing the application instance that allows them to exist. So I don't know what happened on your system, but I don't think that's the issue. If you ever reproduce it, please escalate through the Application Engineers. But I hope you never replicate it. 🙂
07-15-2015 08:41 AM
Actually, it is not uncommon as you think in V2014. I have seen numerous times where I will close a project and be asked to maybe save or not save some items. When I go to close LV, I am then asked to save more items that were opened via the project. Currently, the project I am working on will crash LV when I have made several changes to the project items. The best bug I have found working with AF and cRIOs, is that downloading to the cRIO will fail if you have orphaned classes, specifically Message classes. I have opened a SR on this and the AE is looking into it.