DavidStaab wrote: I introduced an Alliance Member to AF today, and within 30 minutes of digging into it he asked me if "there's an easier way to debug these things". |
Yep. I've asked the same thing of many many developers, both within and without NI. You should see the LAVA thread on this question (which actually developed a useful tool for aborting reentrant instances, although it is clunky).
The next revision will offer some assistance, but my biggest admonition is "Stop trying to test and/or debug your whole application in one go."
The actors are by-value objects. Many of them can be tested by just directly calling their methods one by one. Some actors really need to be tested with a full launch of their Actor Core.vi... in those cases, the actors can be launched in isolation by a test harness. The test harness feeds it messages and listens for responses. It's amazing how far you can get just testing one actor at a time, and then the whole system just magically works when you bring it all together. (Useful scripting tool if someone wants to build it: Auto generate at test harness for an actor + set of messages).