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analog input voltage to data conversion to analog output current using DAQmx


I'm working with measuring voltage (2 NI 9213's) and resistance (1 NI 9217) that are connected to a Chassis. I've taken an example from NI Max->Analog Input-> Continuous Voltage and have added more code to convert values to what we need. At the end I have an array of values, (which works up to that point). I will then need to send these values to an AO using 2 NI 9265's. This is where I am stuck and have tried to combine programs (the 2nd from Example from NI MAx->Analog Output-> Current on Demand, but that doesn't work. So the calculated values in the array are routed into the NI 9265.  I am a beginner using the NI Max. I've looked into producer-consumer and master-slave architechture and also doing other loops, but not sure where to go from here. I'm attaching the code to get a better idea. Any help, advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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Hello, I believe that is better to use the current-continuous and build an waveform with the data in the array, remember to attach a delta time to the data that is in the array so it can be sent through the AO (This is to build a waveform). check the waveform settings in the VI and modify it to your needs. Also this information is going to be helpful for you, check it.


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