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Is NI myRIO Discontinued?

OK, I have Good News and Bad News.  The Good News is that, from my VM running Windows 10 (Version 1909), after uninstalling National Instruments Software (thoroughly) and removing the National Instruments Folders, then installing a fresh copy of LabVIEW 2019 SP1, including LabVIEW Real-Time, FPGA, and the myRIO Software Toolkit 2019, I can open and edit my current LabVIEW RT Project that uses myRIO.  More important, when I open MAX, (oops -- MAX just froze -- I may need to reboot ...


That's really weird.  MAX took a very long time to come up, then found no Remote Systems, then I rebooted, same thing.  Tried loading my Real-Time program into the myRIO, it started to Deploy, then just got "stuck".  I suspect this is a VM "thing".


But that's the Bad News.  The Good News is that if I open IE and type "", after about 1-2 seconds, the System Configuration system comes up and shows me System Settings (the same screen that MAX shows when you open the myRIO in MAX).  So if you have Silverlight already (or can get your hands on a Silverlight Installation file), the myRIO appears to work with LabVIEW 2019, both the initial Release version and Service Pack 1.  Just be sure to run them in a "real" PC.


Bob Schor


P.S. -- spoke too soon!  When I closed this Post and got out of my Browser, the Project I was trying to deploy said "Deployment completed successfully."  Just a second to see if it actually runs ... Yes!!  It starts up the FPGA code which has a "Heartbeat" that flashes one of the LEDs on the myRIO (so I know "it is alive"), and it is now flashing.


So things from a VM take a while to figure things out, but LabVIEW 2019 still runs on the myRIO.



0 Kudos
Message 11 of 18

Hi Bob,


Thank you very much for your efforts. Our problem is that IE cannot be installed on Windows 11 - this has been annouced for a couple of years I think. I'll make an inquiry at support.



0 Kudos
Message 12 of 18

@MikeBravo74 wrote:

Thank you very much for your efforts. Our problem is that IE cannot be installed on Windows 11 - this has been annouced for a couple of years I think. I'll make an inquiry at support.

This is actually good news, as it might "encourage" NI to "get with the Program" and provide Web support that doesn't use Microsoft technology that Microsoft has abandoned!  With Microsoft aggressively "pushing" Windows 11 to all Windows 10 users, I truly hope that LabVIEW 22 will be "Windows" (meaning Windows 10 and 11) compliant ...


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 18

A new notification, "Last Time Buy, April 2025..." appeared on the myRIO web page. Are there more details about this? NI recommends transitioning to Digilent products instead. Of course, there are Digilent boards that are almost identical to myRIO hardware-wise, but does this mean that deploying LabVIEW code will only be possible using LINX installed on Digilent products? Since no Digilent products are currently in the NILRT supported products list, are there plans to change that?

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 18

Yes, it does appear that NI, after a dozen years of producing a great product, has decided to stop making it.  There are single-board RIOs that are newer and probably "better" (not sure what I mean by that), but I, for one, will be sorry to see the myRIO vanish.


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 18

Hi @NapDynamite,
Yes, I think the rumors have been confirmed unfortunately, but i found a great alternative and I'm very satisfied with the product. its the Red Pitaya STEMlab 125-14. It offers high-speed 125 MSPS 14-bit ADCs and DACs, FPGA and ARM processing, versatile I/Os, and built-in web-based control. It’s fully open-source, and you can control with C, Python, LabVIEW and MATLAB. Besides that you can also reprogram the FPGA to make some cool advanced projects like lock in amplifiers or Radars. It also offers pre built applications in their web interface like oscilloscope, function generator, spectrum analyzer and much more.

They make it really easy to get started as a new user, with their extensive documentation, teaching materials and examples. If you need an embedded controller for your research or for prototyping, Red Pitaya is a great and flexible choice.

Best regards,

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 18



On the ELVIS forum I found an entry that confirms the end of myRIO, and NI's suggestion for replacements. The entry seems genuine :


Answering my own question It seems that many NI Education products are been discontinued. 

A colleague received this email.


Dear NI Customer,


NI is committed to serving you in academic and teaching endeavors. Due to impending component lifecycle issues, NI is discontinuing the myRIO (1900 & 1950), myDAQ, ELVIS III, roboRIO 1.0. You are receiving this letter because you have purchased one or more of these products in the past.


NI will continue to offer myRIO, myDAQ, ELVIS III, roboRIO 1.0 for sale until 30 April 2025. Orders will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis until supplies are exhausted. If you do not have a near-term plan to transition to a replacement product, we encourage you to make a last time purchase of the affected models as soon as possible. Due to a fixed supply, we cannot guarantee that all orders will be fulfilled.


Moving forward, Digilent will provide the main products for academic teaching. Any future new NI academic teaching products will be released through Digilent. Digilent is an NI brand with a strong focus and commitment to the academic community. Our aim is to provide educators and students with low-cost, fundamental tools that make engineering technologies understandable and accessible to all. To find out more about Digilent’s academic product lines, please visit

Replacements for the affected models are listed below from the Digilent product portfolio:


Affected Model

Replacement Model


Digilent Analog Discovery Studio


Digilent Analog Discovery 3

roboRIO 1.0

NI roboRIO 2.0


Digilent Raspberry Pi Hats or compactRIO/single-boardRIO product line


Digilent Raspberry Pi Hats or compactRIO/single-boardRIO product line


Through Digilent, NI is committed to continuing to provide products that are designed for academic teaching needs.


After the last time buy date (30 April 2025), NI will continue to offer repair services and support until 30 July 2027. After this, NI will no longer guarantee the availability of repair services and support.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your NI account manager, your distributor or


Best regards,

Joey Tun

Product Manager



It seems clear that NI don't expect newcomers to learn LabVIEW RT and FPGA related using a myRIO ( or ELVIS III ), in the future.




PS : In another thread, I described a way to get full support for myRIO in LabVIEW 2022 Q3. This seems the final LabVIEW version to use as even CompactRIO 2025 don't include Base Image's for any newer LabVIEW version.


PPS : The Digilent Waveforms software is a brilliant piece of software.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 18

@softball wrote:

PS : In another thread, I described a way to get full support for myRIO in LabVIEW 2022 Q3. This seems the final LabVIEW version to use as even CompactRIO 2025 don't include Base Image's for any newer LabVIEW version.

@softball is absolutely correct that the LabVIEW 2021 myRIO Software Toolkit requires selected components from LabVIEW 2022 Q3 to be installed!  A "clue" to this was that the Software Toolkit was released on the same day that LabVIEW 2022 Q3 was released.


I actually was able to ask a member of the Development Team about this potential "illogicality" (I think I made up a new word) of this situation, but was met with the (equally illogical) excuse that it shipped (to academic purchasers?) with an Installation CD (or something) that "installed everything you needed".  


Bob Schor



Also see my earlier plea for the myRIO (and accompanying software -- think Windows 11 and NI's 4-year plan). 

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Message 18 of 18