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myRIO comes with Error Hex 0x627


I have used AKD EtherCAT Drivers and the Labview NI SoftMotion Module to control a servomotor and at that it works great.

Now, I have replaced the computer as there was a problem with old computer in the operation system. However, a problem appears when I try to deploy the programme to control the motor. I will be greatful if there is anyone has idea about this problem. loaded with errors on the target and was closed.
LabVIEW:  (Hex 0x627) The function name for the nimclv.dll: nimclvPropBatch:C  node cannot be found in the library. To correct this error, right-click the Call Library Function Node and select Configure from the shortcut menu. Then choose the correct function name





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

any news from this thread???

I have the same problem after Changing my computer

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 12

Same error. Any one?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 12

The problem came from the fact that my CRIO was not supported in LV2015, but only in 2015SP1. Upgrading everything (LV, RT, RIO driver...), it appeared that the ethercat was not working on SP1 (even thought it was supposed to...).
I installed 2017 from scatch and it worked.




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 12


Are you using myRIO? I see you use myRIO tag. If so, I believe NI EtherCAT master doesn't support myRIO offically. You can see the details in the readme:



NI EtherCAT master always aligns with the RIO driver. This means one is expected to use RIO 14.0 + Ecat 14.0, CompactRIO 15.0 + Ecat 15.0 and so on. If you think this is complex, you can always use the RIO RSSs to avoid manually choosing the software set.



Which controller you are using? Can you confirm if your controller is supported by NI EtherCAT master? If yes, can you attach your MAX report here?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12

Hi there,

Sorry about that. My problem was on a CRIO chassis.

Concerning alignement of the ethercat driver aligning with the CRIo driver, in my situation, LV 2015SP1 + CRIO2015 did not work with Ethercat 15... It did with everything in version 2017





0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12

Hi Yin,


I have this problem on MyRIO. Trying to run Calibrate Stereo (LabVIEW example). I have theis error 0x067 on the IMAQ draw function.


I'm using 2015 version of softwares (LV, MyRIO, RT, Vision).


Thank You


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

Hi MatGG,

That sounds weird to me. Are you still interested in figuring out the reason why EtherCAT 15.0 didn't work? 

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

Hi Hugo,


Hmm, you're using NI Vision software. The original post is about the error code using NI Motion products. The two problems seem slightly different. I would recommend you to create a new post in the Vision board:

This will help you address the problem.




0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

Write Yin.


I was just following the title.

Althought it seems that the problem on MyRIO is in in several applications. I'll look for proper post.


Thank You.

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 12