/* for use in SetCtrlAttribute */ #define ATTR_BOUNDS 20456 /* takes a pointer to a struct RectangleStruct{short top, left, bottom, right}; */ #define ATTR_OUTLINE 20457 #define ATTR_SHADOW 20458 #define ATTR_TITLE_FONTTYPE 20459 #define ATTR_AUTO_CENTER_H_WHEN_LOADED 20460 #define ATTR_AUTO_CENTER_V_WHEN_LOADED 20461 #define ATTR_PEN_BW_COLOR 20462 /* int (rgb value) */ #define ATTR_PEN_BW_FILL_COLOR 20463 /* int (rgb value) */ #define ATTR_VISIBLE_NO_UPDATE 20464 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_NUM_PLOTS 20465 /* int (not settable) */ #define ATTR_FIRST_PLOT 20466 /* int (plot Id) (not settable) */ #define ATTR_FRAME_PEN_PATTERN 20467 /* unsigned char[8] */ #define ATTR_SLIDE_INCDEC_LENGTH 20468 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_THERMOMETER_HOUSING_WIDTH 20469 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_RADIX_WIDTH 20470 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_RADIX_HEIGHT 20471 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_INCDEC_WIDTH_PRIVATE 20472 /* int (0-32767) */ // this attribute was replaced with ATTR_INCDEC_WIDTH (in userint.h) but this value still works, for backwards compatibility #define ATTR_GAUGE_FRAME_DIAMETER 20473 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_SCALE_TICK_LENGTH 20474 /* int (1-128) */ #define ATTR_MENU_ARROW_WIDTH 20475 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_MENU_ARROW_HEIGHT 20476 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_ORIGIN_MARKER_LENGTH 20477 /* int (1-128), rounded down to nearest odd number) */ #define ATTR_AUTO_SIZE_WHEN_LOADED 20478 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_HIDDEN_WHEN_LOADED 20479 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_DONT_SHOW_NEGATIVE_ZERO 20480 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_INDUCE_CLOSE_CTRL 20481 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_DIMMED_MARK 20482 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_GRAYOUT_IMAGE 20483 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_DS_TABLE_RANGE_TOP 20484 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_DS_TABLE_RANGE_LEFT 20485 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_DS_TABLE_RANGE_HEIGHT 20486 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_DS_TABLE_RANGE_WIDTH 20487 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_CONTEXT_HELP_ID 20488 /* int (ids defined in helppopups.h) */ #define ATTR_FLAT_BOX_FRAME_COLOR 20489 /* int (rgb value) */ #define ATTR_CELL_ARROW_WIDTH 20490 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_CELL_ARROW_HEIGHT 20491 /* int (0-32767) */ #define ATTR_MULTIPLE_VALUES 20492 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_TABS_IGNORE_LABEL_ACCELERATORS 20493 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_XYLABEL_CHARACTER_SET 20494 /* int: VAL_ANSI_CHARSET, ... */ /* for use in SetPlotAttribute */ #define ATTR_PLOT_TYPE 21481 /* int: VAL_PLOT_X... (not settable) */ #define ATTR_NEXT_PLOT 21482 /* int (plot Id) (not settable) */ #define ATTR_BITMAP_PLOT_WIDTH 21483 /* double */ #define ATTR_BITMAP_PLOT_HEIGHT 21484 /* double */ /* for use in SetPanelAttribute */ #define ATTR_PRESERVE_SELECTION_ON_CLICK 21500 /* int: boolean */ #define ATTR_FORCE_SIZABLE 21501 /* int: boolean */ #define ATTR_PATHCTRL_MODAL_ACTIVATE_KLUDGE 21502 /* int: boolean */ #define ATTR_PANEL_HAS_CONTEXT_HELP 21503 /* int: boolean */ /* PATCH - CVI401 - lmg - 8/12/96 */ /* for use in SetSystemAttribute */ #define ATTR_SET_BITMAP_DATA_INVERTED 22471 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_USE_COLOR_ON_COLOR 22472 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_DOUBLE_BUFFER_GRAPH_CURSORS 22473 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_DISABLE_LABEL_POSITION_ADJUSTMENT 22474 /* int (boolean) */ #define ATTR_RESTRICT_MENU_DIMMER_KEYS 22475 /* int (boolean) */ /* for use in SetMenuBarAtribute */ #define ATTR_MENU_BAR_POINT_SIZE_INTERNAL 23490 #define ATTR_MENU_IS_TRACKING 23491 /* int (boolean) (not settable) */ #define ATTR_MENU_HTML_HELP_TAG 23492 /* tag for access into .chm help file */ #define ATTR_MENU_CELL_SIZE 23493 /* tag for access into .chm help file */ /* for use in SetPrintAtribute */ #define ATTR_DRAFT_RES_DPI 24100 #define ATTR_LOW_RES_DPI 24101 #define ATTR_MEDIUM_RES_DPI 24102 #define ATTR_HIGH_RES_DPI 24103 /* for use in SetTreeItemAttribute */ #define ATTR_COLLAPSED_PLUS_MINUS_IMAGE_INDEX 24500 #define ATTR_EXPANDED_PLUS_MINUS_IMAGE_INDEX 24501 /* for use in place of ATTR_ITEM_BITMAP for using cached images in menus */ #define ATTR_CACHED_ITEM_BITMAP 24200 /* for using subimages in menu items, much as is done with picture buttons */ #define ATTR_ITEM_USE_SUBIMAGE 24253 #define ATTR_ITEM_SUBIMAGE_TOP 24254 #define ATTR_ITEM_SUBIMAGE_LEFT 24255 #define ATTR_ITEM_SUBIMAGE_WIDTH 24256 #define ATTR_ITEM_SUBIMAGE_HEIGHT 24257