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"Real-time" SURF object tracking in LabView with OpenCV

Active Participant


I have invested some time trying to track features in "real-time" using the SURF (Speeded up robust features) keypoints and descriptors. I wrote real-time with quotation marks, because the speed is roughly 8 fps at 640x480 resolution (in my opinion real-time is 20+ fps).

The code is based on openCV libraries and called as a .dll in labview. It takes an object image and detects the best match keypoints (using  distance criteria)  on the live stream image from a webcamera. Using these keypoints, homography is then calculated using ransac algorithm (mapping the points from the object image to the webcamera image). Then, taking the corner points of the object, the corresponding positions on the live image are calculated and overlaid along with the keypoints and the connecting lines.

Below is the video and here is the link to youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D13-Px548yM

Be creative.

Best regards,



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