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When monitoring values within a loop in TestStand, it is often desired to only record step failure results.  It would be useful to have a "Result Recording Option" of "Enabled On Step Failure":


TestStand Idea Exchange - Enable Result Recording On Step Failure.png


This is possible through various means (SequenceFilePostResultListEntry callbacks and other custom code).  However, I believe this would simplify TestStand sequence development significantly.

Static enumeration value in a sequence call must be stated as <Enum(String enumType, [String/Number value])>. Please make it possible to select the enumeration directly.



I would like to show the following problem with the Update Custom Data Type from Cluster tool when updating TestStand container type definition based on LabVIEW cluster.


TestStand creates new container type definition according to the LabVIEW cluster items order. The problem apears after you create the TestStand type definition and then reaorder LabVIEW cluster. After this change in LabVIEW, TestStand will not properlly reorder items in its definition. So for example:

  1. We have LabVIEW cluster { 1My String, 2My Numeric, 3My Boolean },
  2. Then we create TestStand type from it and we have { 1My_String, 2My_Numeric, 3My_Boolean},
  3. Now, we change order in LabVIEW { 3My Boolean, 1My String, 2My Numeric },
  4. TestStand do not see change,
  5. Then we add new item in LabVIEW { 3My Boolean, This is new, 1My String, 2My Numeric },
  6. Update in TestStand will be { This_is_new, 1My_String, 2My_Numeric, 3My_Boolean}.


So at the end we have:

  • in LabVIEW : { 3My Boolean, This is new, 1My String, 2My Numeric },
  • in TestStand : { This_is_new, 1My_String, 2My_Numeric, 3My_Boolean}.


IMO items order can be sometimes (if not always) important part of good style. That's why I would like to suggest to update also items order if you select Force Exact Match.

Right now, you really can't reliably use anything other than a basic ASCII character set in TestStand, which means that some SI units (such as ohms) cannot be represented in their preferred way (with an omega).  It also means that you can't put non-english characters in your sequence file and reliably have them show up if your sequence file is opened on a different computer with a different language localization (which causes a huge problem if your customer demands support for non-English languages, and has more than one site -- that speaks a different language -- around the world).


Make TestStand support Unicode, so we can use the full greek character set for things like units, and so we can type characters from any language in our sequence files, and not have them change to a different character if we open them on a computer with a different localization.



Hi!  Feature request that I hope is fairly simple to slide into the next rev.  It's incredibly frustrating that a Combo Box's values (for a control wired to the connector pane of a VI) aren't selectable like Enums and Rings in the LabVIEW Adapter.  Instead of seeing a drop down with selectable options, I have to open the VI, (open the control if it's a typedef), edit its values, then see what the values are, close that dialog out, close the VI, back to TestStand and put in the value.  This is all so I can just hard code a value.  This is crazy.  I tested this out in 2019 64-bit, btw, so maybe it's available in later versions, if so, please let me know.


Thanks for your time.

In order to keep file clean, sequence analyzer helps in finding "potentially unused variables". To delete such variables, each warning in sequence analyzer result has to be double clicked and then delete has to be pressed to finally remove that variable.


In many cases with large sequence file, there could be dozens of unused variables and in a single work-space there are dozens of .seq files.


Is it possible to provide a button or some option to remove all unused variables from a sequence file?

The built-in Wait step currently causes TestStand to simply stop at that step until the specified period has elapsed. For steps longer than a few seconds, it would be nice to have some sort of indicator to show how much time is left to wait (and to show that the computer hasn't locked up on those waits that are more than 15 seconds).


It would be really nice to have a check box option to show some sort of wait indicator, even if it was simply using the progress indicator in the lower right corner of the screen (something that simple could even just always be enabled).


On a related note, could the progress bar be made wider so that there is more resolution as to how much progress has been made? If there was a ten minute wait for something, the bar would be moving very slowly and hard to tell progression was being made.

TestStand is in dire need of a way to quickly and effectively find broken steps in long sequences.


I'm working on large sequence files which often call and utilize other long sequences. Needless to say, I often need to address steps which have become broken due to code rework. As of now (TS 2017), there are only two ways for me to know if a step will not run.

  1. Text is red within the Step Settings window.
  2. Sequence Analyzer reports an Error.

I would like to suggest a third option, one that would be more readily available than either of the other two options. If the step itself was highlighted, text reddened, or somehow otherwise flagged as an error, then the operator won't have to hunt through each of the step settings windows or the sequence analyzer results. All the operator would have to do is open the sequence file and notice that a step appears out of place.


It would be nice if sequences could also show if they have broken steps.


Included is an example of how this might look.



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When using the TestStand API, I always find myself switching back and forth between TestStand and the TestStand reference help.  While the intellisense function help is usually enough, many times I like seeing the more detailed information in the help.  I would really like to have the option of displaying context specific help in a TestStand pane, similar to the context help window in LabVIEW.


This pane could dynamically update to display function information when using expressions, or show general information about the active pane or dialog (for newer users).  Much of the linking for the second case is already done, since the F1 key will pull up relevant help for the active pane currently.


TestStand context help pane.png

We have multiple sequences in a file to perform steps that are common to particular subsystems.  It would be nice to have the ability to group sequences within TestStand.  I could envision this to look like a treeview or folder/file structure within the Sequence Pane.  Currently, we have to use a common naming convention to group the sequences together like below:












With grouping, it could look similar to below:





















In addition, there could be a toolbar menu item to switch between showing the grouping or all so you could sort to find



I think it would enhance readability if, in the step settings of a label step, the label description text were no longer bold.

I cringe every time I fill one of these out or read it back to myself.

(Yes, I'm aware of the ability to mouse over the step itself and read the tooltip)


Maybe my use case is unusual, but I'll often write a few sentences in there to describe what a sequence or code block does.




Mr. Jim



Ow, my eyes:



I would like to be able to use multiline comments in Sequences. Something like step comment would be enough IMHO. See screens below.


As you may see on figure 2, current solution make comment difficult to understand.


Fig. 1. Sequence multiline comment fieldFig. 1. Sequence multiline comment field


Fig. 2. How multiline comment is displayed in Sequence stepFig. 2. How multiline comment is displayed in Sequence step


Fig. 3. Step multiline comment (shortened)Fig. 3. Step multiline comment (shortened)


Fig. 4. Step multiline comment (full text)Fig. 4. Step multiline comment (full text)

You can run TestStand sequences headless currently from LabVIEW, but it would be nice to have more detailed documentation and examples on how to do it properly since it is not straightforward.  There are some end users that do not need to see the TestStand execution in the operator interface and just want to run a sequence without showing all of the TestStand UI components.

      I am currently working on a project using the Teststand software's seq editor. This project has many steps, with nearly 3000 steps. During my seq editing and debugging process, sometimes I need to repeatedly jump in different sections and change some parameters. Oh my God, quickly finding a step between so many steps is driving me crazy, and I feel like my life is getting dark.

      So I was thinking, why can't Teststand add a serial number display to the left of the seq edit box? This way, whether I am positioning a certain step or telling my colleagues which line needs to be changed, I simply need to obtain or convey a line number information. I believe that adding this information to an editing form is not particularly difficult.

      Why not make it better to use?

      Brothers, it's already 2023. Are you willing to continue enduring this pain?

If you are using a custom environment file for TestStand 2016 and later, it would be great if, on startup, the splash screen indicated the loaded Env file name and path.


As you can see below, in our custom TestStand RTOI we are showing the loaded environment file on the splash screen when it loaded.  The TestStand 2019 splash screen is shown for comparison.

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The Search Directories.Insert method should only insert the directory if it is not already there.


The Method includes an index argument, if the directory is already there, then it should move the existing directory to the requested index.


While we were working on the shipping examples for DQMH, we discovered that the insert method was creating duplicates every time it was called. We implemented a work around that includes a for loop to check each of the items in the search directories list to see if it is the directory we are trying to insert, if it is, we delete it. Once the for loop ends, then we insert the directory where we want it.


You can see a video of the issue and how we worked around it here: DQMH 3.1 Only inserts the Delacor examples directory into Search Directories once

The "Report Options" dialog box provides a lot of flexibilty in the way reports are generated for sequences executing under the Batch model.  A new report can be generated for each UUT, for each socket, etc.  One option that appears to be lacking, is to flat out not generate a Batch Report.  Doing a brief search, I found at two other folks who were trying to do the same thing:


Suggest adding another check box to the Report File Pathname on the Report Options dialog box to disable batch reports.

I've encountered on several occassions, especially with complex testing, customers who are frustrated by the inherent 'flicker' that happens when stepping into and out of subsequences of logic. This leads to people opting to not use sub sequences, or creating complex replacements for the execution view that has a more persistant way of presenting the executed step data.


I'd like to see an optional setting for execution viewing that allows for sub sequences to be shown as expandable nodes (perhaps defaulted to 'collapsed') so that low level test operators can see the overview results at the sequence-call level, but so advanced users can expand for details if they're interested without added pulldowns or tabs for additional information.  this could be one more API property similiar to showing one-stepgroup or showing all, so that developers can chose whether to be more efficient, or display-heavy....


expanded results on sequenceView


In scenarios with dynamic sequence loading, the display might simply show a 'no pre-loading possible' sort of message until the execution actually gets to that portion of the sequence.




Elaine R.

In order to logically sort sequences within a sequence file, you have to add either a prefix to your sequence names or add dummy sequences between sequence groups:




What would be great is if I could could add sequence groups which let me organize my sequences logically in a tree view. Unfortunately, I can't shoop my vision of that at the moment.