LabWindows/CVI Idea Exchange

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Please can we CVI users have a completely seperate forum/ knowledge exchange from LABVIEW, I seem to spend ages looking for solutions only to find they have been done using labview, even if I include cvi in the search. The knowledge base sometimes appears to jump from a cvi forum into a labview forum, this can be frustrating.


p.s.This idea exchange is great

When you click on a control on a panel in the *.uir file while in the Operator mode using the Integrated View, you can view the user interface events that are generated in the lower left corner, as seen below in the red box.




However, if you prefer to use the classic view, these events are not visible in the floating window that contains the *.uir file when you click on a control in the Operator mode.


Knowing these events can be useful when choosing which events to create callbacks for, and clicking on controls is a very easy way to play around with it.

Not sure if any other IDEs use this, but it would be nice to select an option toif when cut and pasting code to somewhere else in the file, is if the indentation corrected itself.


So instead of absolute indentation from where it was at previously (column number from line), it would be relative indentation based on the first line cut/copy and pasted.

We would like to have the option to change the default view of the files in the function 'FileSelectPopup', so that the 'list view' can be used as a default view.

Using LabVIEW you are advised to use error codes from 5000 to 9999 and from -8999 to -8000 for user defined errors (none of the LabVIEW libraries use these ranges).

In CVI several libraries use different error code ranges, but there isn't any range explicitly reserved for user defined errors.

I think that this could be an useful feature.

I develop software for many older systems that can not be upgraded or are running windows embedded.  I just tried to create a new application and could not install it from my distribution.  I found out I had to go and edit the setup.ini.  NI Installer Requires Windows 10 64-Bit (Version 1507) or Newer.  I've been using CVI since the DOS days.  One of the advantages has always been that I could recompile and I generally didn't have to worry about Windows updates screwing up my software.  This change seems ridiculous all of a sudden.


Starting from CVI2019 previous selection modes are changed to operations made by pressing shift, alt, Ctr or some combination of them in addition to arrow keys or mouse movements. Even if some of the new features are more intuitive after a short training period, the line selection mode has been lost and in my opinion this is a pity.

At present the only ways to select text by lines line are a triple click on a line (for a single line) or pressing Home two times and Shift + down arrow key (for blocks of lines): this is considerably slower and less user friendly than before, when simply pressing Shift+down arrow key was enough to select two or more entire lines.

So please bring back line selection mode in the source code editor!


BTW, line selection mode is still listed as an option in the help for Edit >> Paste command but unfortunately this is a lost feature.

Dear NI

I want to measure the time interval between the start signal and the stop signal.The time interval is about 2 to 3 minutes.Start signal and stop signal are collected from Ni usb-6509,There are 16 channels in total。I want to use Labwindows CVI for this purpose。What should i do?Should I use 16 threads for timing or 16 timers for timing?

Now I have done this function to do it, you surely can do it better with extended error detection.



void CmtWriteTSQDataInFirstPosition(CmtTSQHandle Queue_Handle, const void *Buffer, size_t Number_of_Items, int Timeout_ms, int *Number_of_Items_Flushed)
	CmtTSQHandle Queue_Handle_Temp = {0};
	const void *BufferTemp = {0};

	size_t ItemsInQueue = {0};
	size_t ItemsSize = {0};
	CmtGetTSQAttribute (Queue_Handle, ATTR_TSQ_ITEMS_IN_QUEUE, &ItemsInQueue);
	CmtGetTSQAttribute (Queue_Handle, ATTR_TSQ_ITEM_SIZE, &ItemsSize);

	CmtNewTSQ(ItemsInQueue + Number_of_Items, ItemsSize, 0, &Queue_Handle_Temp);
	CmtWriteTSQData (Queue_Handle_Temp, Buffer, Number_of_Items, Timeout_ms, NULL);
	BufferTemp = calloc(ItemsInQueue, ItemsSize); 
	while(ItemsInQueue > 0)
		int CmtStatusOrItemRead = {0};
		CmtStatusOrItemRead = CmtReadTSQData (Queue_Handle, BufferTemp, ItemsInQueue, 0, 0);
		CmtWriteTSQData (Queue_Handle_Temp, BufferTemp, CmtStatusOrItemRead, Timeout_ms, NULL);
		ItemsInQueue -= CmtStatusOrItemRead;
	BufferTemp = 0;

	CmtGetTSQAttribute (Queue_Handle_Temp, ATTR_TSQ_ITEMS_IN_QUEUE, &ItemsInQueue);
	CmtGetTSQAttribute (Queue_Handle_Temp, ATTR_TSQ_ITEM_SIZE, &ItemsSize);
	BufferTemp = calloc(ItemsInQueue, ItemsSize); 
	while(ItemsInQueue > 0)
		int CmtStatusOrItemRead = {0};
		CmtStatusOrItemRead = CmtReadTSQData (Queue_Handle_Temp, BufferTemp, ItemsInQueue, 0, 0);
		CmtWriteTSQData (Queue_Handle, BufferTemp, CmtStatusOrItemRead, Timeout_ms, Number_of_Items_Flushed);
		ItemsInQueue -= CmtStatusOrItemRead;
	BufferTemp = 0;



Other editors allow you to include a file called .editorconfig in a codebase that enforces styles rules (indentation, tab characters, new-line characters, and so on).


It would be nice to have something like that. Personally, I'd like to enforce:

- Convert tabs to space

- number of spaces per tab

- Automatically convert .uir to .tui


I'm sure there are many other possibilities.



In 2015 and 2017 CVI, the horizontal scroll wheel of the mouse was working.


In 2019, the horizontal scroll wheel is not working now.

Since we don't have all extra-wide/extra-size screen, it is a very important feature we are missing.
The shift/alt or even the vertical scroll wheel of the mouse on the horizontal scroll bar does only vertical movement.

Moving from CVI 2017 to 2019, I really miss the feature where, in 2017, if the editor cursor was placed within the confines of any variable name, uses of that variable would be highlighted in all the locations it is being used on the display. With 2019 that same feature exists, but you now have to select the entire name of the variable as opposed to just having the single cursor within the confines of the variable name. It really slows things down for me.


I still use 2017 a lot of times for that reason, along with the lack of a line delineating the editor proper from the breakpoint diamond vertical area. I can't count how many times I've clicked and defined a breakpoint when all I wanted to do was have the editor cursor to the full left of the display. Argh E10!

Can you add new argument for CVI CLI (i.e. ...\CVI2013\compile.exe)

which will dump the build output to a file (similar to the -log LOGFILE argument) ?

current options provide only PASS/FAIL for the compile without providing enough information 

Please add NI DataPlugin Capabilities to Labwindows/CVI. Of specific use to me would be the equivalent functionality of the following 2 VIs:

1. Convert to TDM or

2. List



CVI 2017 introduced the possibility to change the source code editor font size using the mouse wheel.


I suggest to provide this feature also for other IDE windows, e.g. the Build Output or Variable View window.


Thanks Smiley Wink


when closing CVI or switching between two projects a popup is displayed for every modified file asking if changes should be saved or discarded.




If more than one or two files have been modified I would consider it convenient having a 'Save All' button - or alternatively a checkbox 'Do this for all files'.



there are the menu commands 'Save File' and 'Save All Files', and the toolbar can be configured to show a 'Save File' button, but no 'Save All Files' button exists.

For larger projects I would find it convenient to save all modified files after a successful compile and run and thus would enjoy the possibility of a one-click action via a toolbar button.




Hello NI,

CVI permits us to use different tab fit modes, e.g., Single Row Scroll or Multiple Rows, in software developed with CVI. Unfortunately, the IDE itself only has one mode, Single Row Scroll.

Now, if I am working in a slightly larger project with say 12 or 15 files open typically only ten tabs fit on my screen, for all the other files I would need to scroll using the tabs. In such a situation I would prefer having the option to have tabs in multiple rows, allowing accessing all files/tabs with just one mouse click.

The project tree does not always help in this case if one is also using files temporally, i.e., not in the project (for example, if I compare/copy routines from different projects)


In cvicc (CVI compiler for Linux), there's an option -DDEFINE to define a macro, but no equivalent -U to undefine it. It would be useful because the macros defined in [Options][Build Options][Compiler defines] are indeed used by cvicc when compiling on Linux. If I need a project-level macro defined on Windows but not on Linux, I don't know how to remove it except by parsing it out of the prj file before compilation.


I have been looking for an easy way to resample data with either LabWindows/CVI or Measurement Studio and came across the Rational Resample VI for LabVIEW users. It would be great to have this functionality in LabWindows/CVI.


At the very least it would be good to have an Upsample method to insert zeros into a waveform/signal. Then an FIR interpolation filter can be used on the upsampled signal to interpolate the signal.