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How to export computers/users with thier pemitted products

In VLM 2.1.1 it was possible to output a full list of the details of computers and users along with their permitted products to a delimited text file.  I have updated to 3.0 and I have found the feature that I can simply copy and paste the data from the computers or users tab.  It was however by playing I found that Ctrl-A worked to select all, I would have expected this in a menu somewhere. The copy and paste even works when I have grouping setup, although the column header row needs to be shifted over by one column and the tools could do with a expand all option.

I have seen that you can add and remove columns and reorder columns, sort etc.  However the details of the permitted products is not available as a column, this is shown by expanding each item listed (and this data does not get included with the copy and paste).

I have also looked at the licenses tab; however this tab does not give me the option to add the computer or user fields to the main table.  The list of computers for each license is in the expanded section and I have seen you can edit columns and copy and paste.  However you need to repeat the process of editing the columns and then copy and pasting the data for each product and you need to manually add a column listing the permitted product in Excel or similar.

How can I reproduce the data showing me all the computers along with their allocated product I used to get from 2.1.1? We use this tool to manage our TestStand runtimes and have over 250 computers setup on the tool and we need to run regular audits to make sure computers listed are still active and the listed location , etc.

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Hi Chris,

Unfortunately there is no way to reproduce the same behavior that you saw in 2.1.1.  However, we plan on re-including this feature in future releases.  As of now, the best way to do what you are attempting is to copy each item  individually into a text file from the license view and then manually add a "License Name" column that will show what product is associated with that entry.  I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.  Feel free to reply if you have any further questions about this.



Hassan Atassi
Senior Group Manager, Digital Support
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