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I'd like to use an E 8401 mainframe, an E 1406 command module and E-6173, E 1419 card together. Unfortunatelly this card are out in support, and I have not driver for this.

I seen it like a logical address, I can communicate via E-1406 with this card, but I stoped here: error 3 (havent any driver).

If anybody can send me driver, or have  E-1406 that can managed this card please send me a message.

Or I anybody have idea, how can solve it, please help me.



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Message 1 of 2

Hi 302123972 and welcome to the forums!


The devices you are reffering are from Agilent. You can find instrument driver to use with LabVIEW, CVI and Measurement Studio for the E1419 card on our pages here. For the other devices, I would recommend trying Agilent driver page. Should you encounter additional issues with the devices, I would recommend to try and contact Agilent technical support.

Best regards,
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Message 2 of 2