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Problem with B210 MIMO RX


I'm trying to receive a 1x2 MIMO with B210 and labview! But i'm new to labview and hopless to config the ni usrp in labview.

is there an example for this topic to receive two channels simultaneously with a B210 in labview?


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Message 1 of 7

Hello MohammadAr,


There is an niUSRP example called niUSRP EX Rx Multiple Inputs (Single Device, Multi Channel) which I believe will suit your needs.


You can find the example in your LabVIEW directory\examples\instr\niUSRP

or by going to Start, All Programs, National Instruments, NI-USRP, Examples, and then by selecting your LabVIEW version you want.



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Message 2 of 7

thank you sbingler

but how can i save the I/Q in to binary file? I mean for MIMO!
I have found the Record and Playback Example but it is for one Active Channel!

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 7

Hi MohammadAr,


If you're just interested in saving the data in that example then you can create a simple producer/consumer loop setup in that example (like in the record and playback demo). The pre-existing loop would be your producer and then you'd just have to add a consumer loop which takes your data and passes it to the Write to Binary File VI.


If what you want is a VI like the Record and Playback demo but for multi-channel then you're better off modifying that demo to be multi-channel. While that shouldn't be too difficult to do, you'll likely have to modify a number of points in the code and so I'd strongly recommend studying the example I pointed you to as well as the niUSRP EX Tx Multiple Outputs (Single Device, Multi Channel) example to get a better feel for the specifics of the multi-channel design pattern.


- Steven

Message 4 of 7

Hi steven

i tried to do as you said but there was problem's.

i want to save to file from channel 0 and channel 1 but in the demo i couldn't figure out how!


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Hi MohammadAr


I wonder what specific problems you encountered while trying to modify the example. Did you try to add the channels to the channel list in the Configure Signal section? If so, did you receive any specific errors after doing so?



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Message 6 of 7

 share with me a VI with Implementing 2x1 MISO system with LabVIEW and NI USRP 2921?? I need problem with the estimation channel in the receptor, i used the alamouti code with 2 antennas trnasmitter and one antenna receiver.

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Message 7 of 7