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Get the actual sent Message / Information Signal using NI USRP 2920

Hey guys, 


I'm using two NI 2920 connected with each other. One is TX, the other RX. I have built a simple TX to transfer an array with ones. Next, i want to measure the exact frequency of the transmitted signal. But exactly this signal i need first. Can anybody help me to get this transmitted message/information signal? I attached my TX.



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Hello jndrk,


in the help of the niUSRP Write Tx Data you can see, that this VI always works with complex values.

In your VI you gave this VI a double value. you can try to change that. So you can send a one as a complex magnitude.


I also would recommend you to check out the expamle niUSRP EX Tx Continous Async which is shipped with LabVIEW.


With best regards

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