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Debouncing input problem

Dear Sir,

When using switches connected with parallel port and draw program to debounce it the error is the sub vi working for one time only , when I want to use the switch again ,must close program and open it to use deboncing sub vi again .

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Message 1 of 3

Never, ever, post a VI that is set to autorun. That is just unacceptable.


Also, this board is for NI switch hardware as is clearly stated. And, your main vi is missing subVIs.

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Message 2 of 3

Hey wMw,


From the code provided, it's a bit difficult to see what you're trying to accomplish.  There are a few missing subVIs, etc.  For troubleshooting purposes, can you place all the code in 1 VI and then add descriptions to each part on what it is you're trying to accomplish.  As Dennis mentioned, this is a bit beyond the scope of this forum, but I'm definitely willing to help if I know what you're trying to accomplish.  It looks like you're using the output of your parallel port to directly drive some relays.  Let us know what you're trying to accomplish and we can offer some advice.


have a great day!



-John Sullivan
Problem Solver
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Message 3 of 3