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WebDAV session no error but not connected

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Hello Dargm,


Sorry for the delay in my response. Can please all the necessary files (VI and Library) in order to run some tests. I also saw that the error message makes reference to the call library function node. What dll is being called?

Randy @Rscd27@
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Message 21 of 23

Hi Dargm,


I see. Please excuse me for asking some further basic questions, though I'm pretty sure you thought of these:


* It almost seems like you don't have the WebDAV Client 'driver' installed on your target.  (Use NI MAX to add/remove software/drivers from your target.) Did you install the WebDAV CLIENT driver for your RT target? If not, you'll get various errors when running on the target.. I haven't tried it explicitly on my test setup (time-constraint) but it seems plausible that you may get a 'file/folder missing' type error if the library isn't deployed/installed.  You need to add it from MAX (or maybe the NI-RT Linux targets has it installed by default).


Since you error out on the 'open' session VI, I think the item above is the most promising.. Once you get past that (open session) without error, you may also consider the below:


* Did you manually create a local root folder on your RT device called 'data'? Please remember that on Linux targets, file and path names are CaSe Sensitive(!).  Depending on your target OS, / vs \ also matters.  The example I put up was targeted to 9014, a vxWorks target.


Keep me posted, I'll keep an eye on this to see if I can assist further.

CLD LabVIEW 7.1 to 2016
Message 22 of 23

Hi QFang,


You are correct, my issue turned out to be the WebDav Client not installed on my cRio, I did not realize that the WebDav interface has two componets, a Server and a Client. I just installed the Client on my cRio and the example works fine.


Thanks for your Input.  

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Message 23 of 23