Real-Time Measurement and Control

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Remote Panel doesn't show the VI

I am trying to make a remote panel to control my cRIO. I do with the instruction from this link
But after doing as following steps, it failed to load the VI on the web server
Step1:Open the VI which will be the front panel and using web publishing tool...


Step 2: after enter Title, choose the directory to save the web page


Step 3: After saving, it is included in my project under RT-target



Step4: I deploy all and then create the RT application4.png





Step 5: Deploy it and run as startup. Then I restart the cRIO.


Step 6: After restarting, I try to connect the cRIO again to check whether the VI started or not. It shows that


Step 7: Open it in web browser:
It does not show the Start-up VI.


I have installed the Runtime Engine 2015 already

Please help me. coz this is the first time I work with cRIO

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

After check again with the newest IE, It shows me that "Server does not support Remote Panels". Please give me the solution


0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11



Even due is your first time using cRIO I believe you did a good job. Can you please attach the project? I have several cRIOs and I can try to reproduce the issue.

Randy @Rscd27@
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

I uploaded my project and I have some question in Readme!. Please help me. Thank you so much!

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11



I review your code and I have some comments. The first thing is that you are not using any error handling methods and we are not sure if there is an error on the code.


Why do you have a Timed while loop inside of a simple while loop?


Did you follow the instrucitons on this document: ?






Can you let us know more information of the HMI you want to use?



Randy @Rscd27@
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Dear Mr. Rscd27,

1/the timed loop works when have the signal "TRUE" from shared variable "START". and to wait for that signal, I need a while loop here. That's my thought.

2/ at first I think as you mentioned. HMI should be in the host. but when I create the Real-time application from BUild specification. I can not add HMI as the startup VI ( as the following picture). I dont understand the meaning of "Startup VIs". It means the UI appearing on web server or the VI will run automatically when cRIO starts?

Btw, could you give me the procedure to make a remote panels to control cRIO via the web server?
Thank you so much

Best Regards,

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11



I am sorry for my mistake. Please check this guide I created it.

Randy @Rscd27@
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

Firstly, thank you for your guide. It's very clearly and useful

Then, I have two problems here:
1/ The VI I chose has the path quite strange with "EDIT_cRIO9xxxx_{ABCXDDDDD....}"


2/ I cannot preview in Browser 😞 that could be the reason why it shows "Server does not support Remote Panel"

As the last time I checked the software in cRIO. I have installed all software into it. But I will check it again next week, coz now is the weekend so I am not in the lab of my uni.
Hope you can see my problem and help me. thank you so much again

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11



To be honest with you I am not sure what that error could be. Could you follow this instructions to export the newest configuraiton of your project:

Randy @Rscd27@
Message 9 of 11

Dear Rscd27,


could you use teamviewer to help me to make the remote panel :'( I have worked for a long time but it still fails 😞 please contact with me via email: or fb: 

Please help me :'(

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 11