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FPGA Compilation Error 61330 on a cRIO

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Hello all,


Currently, I have to rebuild a fpga bitfile to account for a new hardware configuration on a cRIO. I installed the appropriate tools on my computer, which were able to compile the bitfile several times; but now I am getting an error when I compile. I have attached two images of the error to this message. I am currently running this software configuration:

Windows 7 with 8 gigs of RAM
Labview 2013 SP1
FPGA module
cRIO 13.0 drivers
Real Time module
Xilinx 14.4 tools
cRIO hardware: 9024 and 9022 w/ 9113 chassis
R Series Card 9401 and Quanser's Q1 card
*The Quanser card now takes up slot 1 in the cRIO and the 9401 card takes up slot 4. The 9401 card used to be in slot 1.
The compile problem started after I updated. I did have to cancel the update and restart it because I needed to use LabVIEW briefly. I have tried several things to help isolate the problem, but the problem still persists. I have disabled my firewall. Reinstalled the Xilinx tools. Completely updated my version of LabVIEW. 
I found several similar posts (links to which are posted below), but none of those solutions did not help.
Has anyone else seen this problem before?
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Message 1 of 5

Access Denied sounds like a read-only flag is set on the file or folder.

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Message 2 of 5

That was one of my solutions. I have read write access to that folder. To test this I just copied and pasted a file in there. I've also made changes to files in the folder. When I say folder, I mean the folder that the compilation is going to send the bitfile to in the end. The VIs involved are password protected, but I have since removed the password protection, and the error is still occuring.

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Message 3 of 5

Also check the NIFPGA folder. That is where the files are actually created. On my machine it is on the root of c:\

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Message 4 of 5
Accepted by topic author Savage_Aggie01

It turns out that it was a firewall problem. I had turned off my firewall, but there must have been a tertiary process still running. I added some exceptions to my firewall, which should have allowed the program to work, but it didn't. Once I deleted those exceptions the compiler ran with no error again. I think it's time to get a new firewall program. Thanks for all of your help.

Message 5 of 5