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PXIe-4135 Physical connections


I am trying to use a PXI-e4135 as a power suply to apply voltages as the same time as I meassure the electrical current.

I have developed the labview code and everything seems to work.

I have a very simple problem. I do not know how the connexions must be done in the PXI. This is, I want to apply a voltage to an isolated elctrode.

So sorry for the stupid question but, Which cables should be connected from whrere to where in order to apply this voltage correctly?

In other words, I am trying to measure the output voltage with a multimiter. Where should I physiscally put the two contacts of my electrometer?

Thank you very much


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Message 1 of 2

Hello LuisAn,


PXIe-4135 Getting Started Guide - National Instruments

page 6,7,11 and 13

You should connect your DMM to D and F be careful, because the SMU can up to 200V! Additionally the safety interlock J and L must be connected together. The best option is to buy the right cable set for connecting.


best regards
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Message 2 of 2