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convert simulink model to dll

Dear all,

I have occurred a problem when converting a simulink model to dll which is imported into veristand.

The following pic is the erro message. Pls give some advice to resolve this problem.Thank you very much!


erro msg.JPG

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6



Like stated at the end of the message, you should entre the command mex -setup at the matlab prompt, this will you let select the C++ compiler that simulink will use for compiling.



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Message 2 of 6

It looks like you have not the compiler installed. try to follow this tutorial:

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Tanks for your solution. I do need VC++ Complier. Now I have installed VC++ 2010, but I can't find the complier using command "mex -setup" in matlab command window.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

Hello AG1984,


To better assist you, would you please provide me with your Simulink and VeriStand versions.


  • Note MSVC++ 2010 is strictly supported as of VeriStand 2013 SP1 f2; earlier versions require MSVC++ 2008.
  • If you are indeed using at least NIVS 2013 SP1, then there is no need to configure MEX. Our scripts will automatically locate the MSVC compilers after selecting the Build Model action. 
  • Please refer to this document:
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi Nestor,

Thanks for your advice. Now I have solve the problem. My matlab version is 2010a. So I use the command "mex.getCompilerConfiguration('VC++','Supported')" to find that VC++2010 is not supported by Matlab 2010a. So I installed VC++2008 and everything is OK.

Now I can import .dll/.mdl/.lvmdl format model to veristand.


By the way, it seems that we can reallize RCP and HIL by veristand. Could you offer some demos on these two field, I mean RCP and HIL?

Thank you!

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Message 6 of 6