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How to make a dll file from a simulink model

I'm trying to make a dll file from simulink model.
but some error occurred in simlink build process.

I reinstalled Visual C++, Matlab. and Veristand
and changed compiler to miscrosoft visual c++ 6.0 using cmex -setup command.
How can I solve this problem?


### Creating C:\VeriStand\2010\ModelInterface\tmw\lib\VC6.0\R2007b\RELEASE\rtwlib_sit.lib
 lib /nologo /out:C:\VeriStand\2010\ModelInterface\tmw\lib\VC6.0\R2007b\RELEASE\rtwlib_sit.lib @C:\VeriStand\2010\ModelInterface\tmw\lib\VC6.0\R2007b\RELEASE\rtwlib_sit.txt
Couldn't open Libary file '/nologo.lib': No such file or directory

STMicroelectronics - Librarian - rel 2.02

  Is it a new file? (y/n):NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'lib' : return code '0x2'
C:\Temp\test_niVeriStand_rtw>echo The make command returned an error of 2 
The make command returned an error of 2

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Message 1 of 3

I have recently realized this operation.

If your simulink model is good, you have to install a module with the NI VeriStand Cd to can build a dll which is compatible with Veristand.

After the installation, launch matlab (a veristand component has been added) and simulink.

Configure "simulations parameters"-->Stop time =Inf.
In "Tools" menu --> Build model, configure compiler (before has gcc) to Ni_Veristand.tlc and build your dll.

If you search on ni website there are tutorials which exist on that subject and where all procedures are described.

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Message 2 of 3

That compile error looks like something within Matlab... the .lib it couldn't find might be a path issue.


Otherwise, check out this thread which goes through some of the more in depth stuff to setup to create .dlls (ie choosing NIVeriStand.tlc as the target file, getting the VeriStand server setup in Matlab, etc).

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Message 3 of 3